It should be noted that, for all of these, variations from the given colors and personalities can be expected. These are not set-in-stone rules, they're guidelines. No element is rarer than another. Also, powers listed here are given only by way of example, anything dealing with the dragons element(s) is a go, as long as strength is kept in mind.
The books have recently been rearranged and rewritten based on a little-known Memory-Song that was brought to light by a roving Scholar. Though none of these 'new' Elements have been seen in a long time, there is always the possibility that they may come to light once more. After all, Ice and Storm were listed as ancient Elements lost to time, and they've been slowly making a come-back.
Elements on page one:
Wind, Water, Fire, Earth, Shadow, Light
Elements on page two:
Lightning/Storm, Ice, Wylder, Illusion, Sun, Blood
Elements on page three:
Metal, Wood, Spirit, Void, Moon, Dream
A variant on Earth, Metals tend to be metallic in coloration, though they are traditionally a silvery-blue in color, with markings of either silver or bronze. Metals are often the most set in their ways and resistant to change, though many do eventually accept it. They tend to be stoic, rarely expressing their emotions, even to their bonds, and are often the best ones to turn to in an emergency, as they won't allow themselves to be distracted at the time by emotions, only later discussing the event with another in order to come to terms with it. In times of war, a strong Metal of either gender will use their powers to craft armor and weapons for the clan.
Metal females can summon creatures that are akin to metal (for example, metal golems, dwarves, etc), though the weaker females are limited in how many they can summon, and must often rest for a time afterwards. A more common, and incredibly easier form of summoning that they can achieve is to simply summon metals and gemstones/crystals, though again, the stronger ones will be able to summon higher quality metals and gemstones/crystals. Practice will yeild the ability to mold the metals about them into any form they set their minds to.
Males use spells to alter the metals and affect the gemstones and crystals around them. They are the natural blacksmiths, and their skill and talent in that field only grows with practice. Stronger males (grades 8-10) can summon metals, gemstones, and crystals to them, though only those with a strength of ten can summon truly high quality supplies in that manner.
Metal marking hex color: #c0c0c0 or #cd7f32 |
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Metal body colors: from #a7a7be to #e2e7ff to #fcffd6 to #827622 |
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Secondary colors: from #acbaff to #59578c to #6c4500 to #ffcc00 (used for horns, claws, wingsails, and boot markings) (also includes the main body colors) |
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The second Earth variant, those of Wood tend to have a reddish-brown body color with pale green markings. Woods love nature, and will do anything to protect it. They match Earth in their nurturing instincts, though theirs are often more focused on plant-life, rather than animal-life. Woods tend to be the herb-healers of the clan, knowing instinctively what plants have medicinal use, what can be eaten, and what are poisonous. Pleasant and somewhat soft-spoken as they are, many beings brush Woods off as big pushovers, but when push comes to shove, Woods will prove that they refuse to be broken or pushed aside easily. They, too, prefer to walk and enjoy the scenery when there's time, instead of flying everywhere.
Females summon wood elementals (dryads and other spirits linked to nature), while the strongest (grades 9-10) can summon other creatures of the Wood element, of any race. Practice yeilds to the persistant ones the ability to 'speak' with nature, effectively linking them into the natural order of things to such an extent that they can tell certain things about their environment (for the weakest, it might be a simple feeling that something's happening, for the strongest, it might be detailed information that reveals nearly everything) and, with an application of will, encourage things to grow/not grow as they desire.
Males can cast spells that cause plants to grow (or not) as they desire, making them effective trap builders in many environments. They are often more in tune with nature than the females are right off the bat, but without practice, that ability will never grow. The strongest (grades 8-10) can learn to summon lesser wood elementals.
Wood marking hex color: #99ff99 |
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Wood body colors: from #cc9966 to #663300 to #660000 to (rarely) #006600 |
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Secondary colors: from #ccffcc to #006600 (used for horns, claws, wingsails, and boot markings) (also includes the main body colors) |
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A variant of Shadow that has become more common than their parent-type, Spirits have a body color of white to pale green, and markings of pale opal. Spirits are easily the friendliest and most outgoing of all the elements, second only to Lights. They typically have an almost otherworldly look to them, though, that tends to set people on edge. They can see spirits and sense emotions without difficulty.
Spirit females can summon and control spirits, the stronger the female, the stronger the spirits that can be summoned and controlled (spirits can be either friendly, neutral, or outright dangerous, friendly spirits don't have to be controlled, neutral spirits can either be controlled or not as the dragon deems fit, and the outright dangerous ones better be controlled, because the consequences of not doing so... can be deadly). Also, simply because of their nature, friendly spirits are the easiest to summon, and the strength of the friendly spirits will be typically twice or three times the strength of the dangerous spirits that a dragon can summon. They can also seperate their spirits from their bodies for a time, practice will increase the distance they can travel and the length of time they can stay seperated.
Males have various spells that affect spirits and emotions of those about them. Spirit traveling comes naturally to them, though unless they practice, a female of the same strength level will easily out-perform them. The upper half of the strength levels (grades 5-10) can manage to summon friendly spirits, though only grades 8-10 can summon neutral spirits, and only the strongest (grade 10 only) can summon even a weak dangerous spirit.
Spirit marking hex color: #bedeec to #bcb7d7 to #f0c9d7 to #f5c8b5 to #f5f2ca to #c0ddc7 (I traditionally use a pale rainbow gradient on a gradient-fill layer) |
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Spirit body colors: from #ffffff to #ccffcc |
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Secondary colors: from #699cbc to #99cccc to #669966 (used for horns, claws, wingsails, and boot markings) (also includes the main body colors) |
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The rare variant of Shadow, Myrsilk of the Void are black as a lightless cave, the only spots of color on them being their eyes, their faintly glittery wing sails, and their silvery-black markings. Hard to get along with, its rare to see one of these dragons bonding to anything, even another of their kind. They're typically loners that don't feel the need for company, and usually brush everyone else off as unimportant to them. They can see fine in the dark, and prefer night to day. Often, several of these Myrsilkains will form the night guard on the complex.
Females can summon and control some of the creatures of the void, with the stronger females able to summon and control stronger creatures (control must be maintained. Inversely, they often can banish their enemies into the void, though only the females with a strength of 10 can achieve full banishment for eternity. For all others, it will almost be like the being went between, except they can't control where they end up or how long they spend in the bone-chillingly cold limbo (higher the power of the female that sent them there, longer they spend there).
Males are much more adept at banishing, with the three strongest (grades 8-10) able to achieve full banishment for eternity. This power is used with caution, though, as it drains both males and females drastically, requiring them to recuperate for sometimes weeks at a stretch. Their spells tend to use the Void to affect the world around them. The strongest males (grades 8-10) can summon and control some of the weaker creatures of the void.
Void marking hex color: #000000 speckled with #eaeaea |
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Void body colors: from #000000 to #330033 |
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Secondary colors: from #000000 to #eaeaea to #330033 (used for horns, claws, wingsails, and boot markings) |
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A lost variant of Light, Moons are supposedly a deep orange to black in color, with orange markings. Moons are wild and mysterious, keeping to themselves and rarely telling others of their intentions or plans. Unlike Wylders, though, Moons enjoy Clan life over the life of a wanderer, and can often be found acting as surrogate parents or teachers for the young.
Females can summon spirits, elementals, or sprites with ties to the moon, no matter what other alignment the spirit might have. The strongest (grades 9-10) are capable of summoning other creatures with a moon-alignment (such a moon-dependent shape-shifters, or moon mages). With practice, Moon females are capable of controlling the shifting of moon-dependent shape-shifters. The upper half of the strength spectrum (grades 5-10) can change their own form or the form of others around them (as a gradient: 5 is capable of small physical changes, but no change in mass; 10 is capable of completely altering the form of a being, from color to shape to mass). This change of form is only effective on willing participants, and requires occasional maintenence to maintain, even at grade 10.
Male Moons are adept at altering the shapes of themselves and willing others, with grades 8-10 capable of a complete change in a being's form, this requires no maintenence, and will not wear off unless the being becomes unwilling. The upper half of the strength (grades 5-10) spectrum is capable of altering the shapes of the unwilling, following the same gradient as the females above (5: small physical changes; 10: full change). Males can easily control the shifting of moon-dependent shape-shifters. The strongest (grades 8-10) can summon lesser spirits/elementals/sprites of the moon.
Moon marking hex color: #ffa500 |
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Moon body colors: from #cccccc to #ff9000 to #000000 |
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Secondary colors: from #cccccc to #303c68 to #a35c00 (used for horns, claws, wingsails, and boot markings) |
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A variant on Light, Dreams tend to be pale pink to pale purple in color, with soft pink-lavender markings. These dragons are the dreamers of the clan, the fortunetellers and the prophets, the ones with more fore-knowledge than would be healthy for most beings. As a result, they're often a bit distant, but still remain polite and pleasant to those they meet. Many seem to be lost in a world of their own, rarely rousing out of it to interact with anyone else on a deep level. Dreams are their realm of play, and as such, they enjoy sleeping much of their time away.
Females can summon dreams into the mind of any creature that they focus on, with the higher strength levels able to control exactly what occurs in the dream. They're all naturally lucid dreamers (they can control their own dreams, and know that they're dreaming at the time as well), and it only takes a bit of practice beyond that to learn how to enter the dreams of other creatures. The more practice they have, the stronger their presense in the dream will be, and the farther afield from their body they can range.
The males are adept at messing with the dreams of others, though only the upper half of the strength range has any real say over how the dreams change (It's important to note that females can create dreams, while the males can only alter existing ones). Again, as with the females, they're all naturally lucid dreamers, and with some practice, they can be entering the dreams of other beings as easily as the females can.
Dream marking hex color: #dcb2ef |
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Dream body colors: from #febdde to #ffffff to #ff99ff |
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Secondary colors: from #ff6666 to #ffffff to #9999cc (used for horns, claws, wingsails, and boot markings) (also includes the main body colors) |
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