Dens of the Residents

The population of Clan Akelara

The Myrsilkain seed that originally formed Clan Akelara is the remains of many scattered Clans that are no longer in existence - the only remains, besides a few half-wild Myrsilk scattered across more worlds than can be counted, of tens of hundreds of Clans. What happened to the rest of the Clan-members is subject to many and varied debates, covering everything from disease to disaster, but whatever the cause, it left few alive in the world and happened either so slowly that no one noticed, or so swiftly that nothing could be done. For a full discussion on the topic, visit the library of the Clan.

Whatever it was that happened, the Clan that Yikaeri and Revent formed from the ashes of what was left is a strange hodgepodge of dragons. Though their own Clan never really went in for the idea of bonding, other Clans did, and proof of that is scattered throughout Clan Akelara in the form of Myrsilkains bonded to other Myrsilkains, Myrsilkains bonded to humanoids, or even Myrsilkains with both a humanoid and another Myrsilkain. Of the gathered Myrsilkains, some have adopted the 'akel tag to their name, while others stubbornly cling to their old Clan tag and form cliques with others from the same Clan. While Yikaeri and Revent are doing what they can to discourage this, it still happens, and it seems that it won't end any time in the near future.

Soon after the Clan opened its doors to the rest of the Nexus, strange dragons, some with bonds, many without, flooded the Clan, asking for a home or a place to return to after adventuring. Seeing no harm in accepting the influx and giving them homes, especially since some apparently had no homes to return to, Revent ordered that empty parts of the Clan be remodeled to better accommodate the smaller dragons and their bonds. Now, of course, the Clan is composed more of outsiders than it is of Myrsilkains, and while some Myrsilk have expressed a dislike of being a minority in their own Clan, many more have welcomed the newcomers with open arms and warm dens.

It can be said with much truth that Clan Akelara is a growing entity, never remaining static for very long. And perhaps that is for the best, as the Myrsilkains now find themselves greatful for the assistance of outsiders, due to the ever-growing threat of Koshi Keidai to the west.

Myrsilkain Residents:
-:- Leaders -:- Females -:- Males -:-

Bonded Residents from elsewhere:
-:- Females -:- Males -:-

Unbonded Residents from elsewhere:
-:- Females -:- Males -:-