It should be noted that, for all of these, variations from the given colors and personalities can be expected. These are not set-in-stone rules, they're guidelines. No element is rarer than another. Also, powers listed here are given only by way of example, anything dealing with the dragons element(s) is a go, as long as strength is kept in mind.
The books have recently been rearranged and rewritten based on a little-known Memory-Song that was brought to light by a roving Scholar. Though none of these 'new' Elements have been seen in a long time, there is always the possibility that they may come to light once more. After all, Ice and Storm were listed as ancient Elements lost to time, and they've been slowly making a come-back.
Elements on page one:
Wind, Water, Fire, Earth, Shadow, Light
Elements on page two:
Lightning/Storm, Ice, Wylder, Illusion, Sun, Blood
Elements on page three:
Metal, Wood, Spirit, Void, Moon, Dream
Myrsilk of the Wind generally have a pale bluish-white body color, with pale blue markings. Their personality will usually be along the lines of flighty, head-in-the-clouds daydreamers, but don't let that fool you. Their minds can often find the connection between things faster than others can, and a cunning Wind can be a nasty enemy to compete against.
Females can summon air spirits/elementals, and the strongest (grades 9-10) can summon other creatures of the air as well (which includes any creature that can fly, or is riding a flying creature at the time), effectively acting as a living teleporter. With some practice, any of them can learn to summon the wind, with the intensity depending upon their strength in the Element.
Males excel in spells that manipulate either the air or things passing through the air. For example: levitation, 'throwing' things without touching them (think poltergeist, though more often the most than they can manage is to alter the path of something already in the air), creating winds, and so on. The strongest of them (grades 8-10) can learn to summoner lesser air elementals.
Wind marking hex color: #adb1f2 |
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Wind body colors: from #aaaaff to #ffffff |
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Secondary colors: from #aaaaff to #ffffff to #fffca4 (used for horns, claws, wingsails, and boot markings) |
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Those with the Water element normally have a deep blue body color (though mottling with lighter blues and sea greens is common as well), with sapphire blue markings. Their personality can be described as calm. They're normally polite, kind, caring, and unruffled by much that happens about them. Waters tend to take the path of least resistance, but they always keep their goal in mind. If it means making people think that they'll be doing one thing, when in fact they'll be doing another, so what? Determination is their strong suit, and, just like a river carving its way, Waters usually get their way in the end. The best Waters are excellent manipulators, capable of making others think they actually came up with the idea to begin with, not the Water.
Females can summon water elementals, and the strongest (grades 9-10) can summon other creatures of water (including any creature that lives in the water, or water-oriented mages), acting as a living teleporter. With a bit of practice, they can affect tides and water currents, call water to where there's none (like to put out a fire, or water the ground, though it should be noted that they can't call storms), and even, with effort, purify water.
The males have their own range of spells. Most of them, without difficulty, can cast spells to create water where there is none, purify water (the males do this with less difficulty than the females), as well as read/alter the water currents, etc. The strongest (grades 8-10) can learn to summon lesser water elementals.
Water marking hex color: #0000ff |
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Water body colors: from #000066 to #6699ff to #99ffcc to #005a3c (Often mottled, consisting of as many greens as blues) |
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Secondary colors: from #003366 to #6699ff to #99ccff to #ccffff to (on rare occasion) #6600cc (used for horns, claws, wingsails, and boot markings) |
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Fire Myrsilk have a reddish body color, with ruby markings. They're generally fiery and often somewhat confrontational. The true fighters and protectors of the Myrsilk clan, they often serve as guards, and are sometimes almost intolerably proud of this. Their energy sometimes appears to be boundless, and when they get passionate about something, expect them to let the subject drop only with much difficulty. Fires often have 'causes' that they pursue, sometimes to the detriment of all other things.
Females can summon fire elementals and the strongest (grades 9-10) can summon other creatures of fire (such as fire-oriented mages, or creatures that are fire-aligned in some manner). With a bit of practice, they can call flames into existence, though their strength determines how large of a flame (weakest can create a candle flame, strongest can create an inferno).
The males can cast any range of spells that affect fire, from throwing fireballs to lighting (or putting out) various sizes of fires (candles, cooking fires, bonfires, etc, size of the fire depends on strength), and everything in between. The strongest (grades 8-10) can learn to summon lesser fire elementals.
Fire marking hex color: #ff0000 |
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Fire body colors: from #660000 to #ff0000 to #ffff00 (Including the oranges in between) |
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Secondary colors: from #666600 to #e9e9e9 (also including the colors used for the main body) (used for horns, claws, wingsails, and boot markings) |
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Those of Earth have a earth-toned body color, with markings of emerald green. They're the most laid back of all the elements, but incredibly stubborn when they get an idea in their heads. Often, if an Earth believes something would truly benefit others, that Earth will never let the idea go until they either achieve it or die trying. Most of them don't know the meaning behind hurrying, and prefer to set their own pace and achieve things as they see fit. Natural nurturers, they hate to see any creature in pain or distress. They can, and do fly, but often you'll see the Earth Myrsilkains walking from place to place, especially if there's no hurry.
Females can summon earth elementals, with the strongest (grades 9-10) able to summon ground walkers of any sort (they'll especially use this technique in times of bad hunting, when the survival of much that they care for rests on finding food). With a bit of practice, they can mold the earth to meet their needs. Such work is more 'delicate' and localized than the wide-scale changes the males are capable of.
Males can affect anything to do with the earth, from changing the landscape to affecting how fertile the soil is. Though they are unable to mold the earth to meet their needs the same way the females can, they are perfectly capable of creating large-scale changes that the females can then refine. The strongest (grades 8-10) can learn to summon lesser earth elementals.
Earth marking hex color: #009900 |
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Earth body colors: from #120c03 to #a18056 |
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Secondary colors: from #003300 to #ccffcc (Also includes the body colors above) (used for horns, claws, wingsails, and boot markings) |
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Shadows are often dark grey to black, with purple-silver markings, and the same purple-silver glitz scattered over their wingsails. They're often secretive and difficult to bond or get to know, and prefer the night and hiding in the shadows to facing the day. Shadows are often given night watches, as their dark vision is almost as well developed as that of their Void siblings.
Shadow females are able to summon forth and control things of the shadow, with the strongest (grades 9-10) able to summon forth and control some of the weaker creatures of the void. Practice will yield to them the ability to dim the light about them until its in a comfortable level, the higher the dragon's strength, the larger the area of affect (Putting a Shadow and a Light in the same room can often result in a strobe-light effect).
Males have a more instinctual control over the level of light about them, as well as the ability to cast darkness based spells. The strongest (grades 8-10) can manage to summon and control weak shadow-based creatures. It's likely that Shadow males can also 'shadow-hop', that is, enter a shadow near them and reappear at another nearby shadow. The stronger they are, the greater the distance between the two shadows can be.
Shadow marking hex color: #350035 with #eaeaea speckles (These two colors also speckle the wingsails) |
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Shadow body colors: from #141414 to #444444 |
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Secondary colors: from #444444 to #cccccc (Wingsails might also be the same as the body color) (used for horns, claws, wingsails, and boot markings) |
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Light Myrsilk are a yellow color with markings of pure white. Lights are friendly, outgoing, happy-go-lucky dragons that can't stand to see someone depressed, and will always try their best to cheer that person up. Quite a few of them tend to be, not so much innocent, as just naive, with their tendency to always believe the best of everyone, no matter what. They'll usually only venture out into the darkness if its absolutely vital, preferring instead to stay curled up in their cozily lit dens.
Light females can summon light 'elementals' (these will be beings that give off light of any sort, so some fire elementals might fall into this category as well, though only the upper half of the strength range (grades 5-10) can summon creatures like the fire elementals), and the strongest (grades 9-10) can typically summon other creatures that have a strong tie to Light. With practice, they can imbue almost any object with the ability to give off light, though things like crystals and gemstones are the easiest to imbue. Those with a strength from 8-10 can imbue almost anything with light, even a dull, ordinary rocks.
The males can cast many spells that are based in light, and have an easier time of imbuing objects with light than the females do, with the upper half of the strength range (grades 5-10) able to imbue practically everything. They can brighten a room just by willing it, though there needs to be some light there for them to work with. The strongest (grades 8-10) can summon weak light elementals.
Light marking hex color: #ffffff |
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Light body colors: from #ffff00 to #ffffff |
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Secondary colors: from #666600 to #ffffcc to #ff9900 (Also includes the body colors above) (used for horns, claws, wingsails, and boot markings) |
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