The Hatching Sands

Rules for the Candidates

  1. You must have a website (somewhere visible to the 'net but uneditable by anyone but you) ready to put a dragon image on, no questions over this one.

  2. Give me enough information about your candidate to have a sense of their personality, please, whether that be through a story, a detailed stats page, or both.

  3. I have to be able to read the site, so no neon backgrounds or such, my eyes are bad enough already.

  4. I don't particularly care how many pets your candidate has, as long as they believe themselves able to have a bond on top of it. Also, pre-bonded candidates can stand here to bond a second (or even third or fourth!) time, as long as there's a new section to the story to reflect that decision and why they're doing it.

  5. Double bonding (bonding twice at one hatching) is possible, but its going to be fairly rare. If you want me to consider your candidate for a double bond, say so in the form, and tell me why you think they could handle it.

  6. Cross gender bonding is likely here. If you'd prefer same-gender bonding only, let me know in the form.

  7. Try to keep it to a PG-13 rating. If you go over, warn ahead of the sections so that anyone who needs it can skip.

  8. I don't care what sort of beings you send to bond, just make sure whatever you send is your work, not directly copied from someone else.

  9. Yes, expy characters are totally cool, go for it.

  10. No upper age limit on characters, but please have them older than 13, and not some crotchety old human on their last legs. If you believe your character should be exempt from this, give me a good argument and I'll consider it. The lower age limit is mostly there because children rarely have the stamina, patience, or attention span to deal with a growing hatchling. Though if they'll have active help, I'll accept them

  11. Please read the information in the Library if the clutch is a pureblood clutch of one of my races.

  12. Along those lines, always look to see what information is listed on the Candidate and Sponsor page about what the clutches will potentially have hatching from them.

  13. You can suggest some names for your dragon, and chances are that I'll use it, but check the Candidate and Sponsor page to be sure of any naming conventions that will be used. Unless you say otherwise, I won't use your names for other dragons.

  14. Candidate limit for clutches will be posted on the Candidate and Sponsor page

  15. Please link back to the main page ( ) clearly. No "here" or "there" links are acceptable, a link to "Clan Akelara" must be visible somewhere on the page(s).

  16. Most clutches these days will have only one image, and I have no time limit on posting them anymore.

Now that that's covered, here's the form. Copy/paste it into an email message and send it to me at StarFyre @ silveredmagic . com with the spaces removed. Please make sure that the subject of the email reflects the fact that this is a candidate form and for which clutch.

Your Online Name:
Working Email address:
Candidate's name(s):
Candidate's gender(s):
Candidate's URL:
Candidate's species:
Which clutch is this for?
How do you feel about multiple bonds?
Cross gender bonding, acceptable or not?:
Any name suggestions?:
If so, can they be used for other dragons or no?:
Any other comments?: