Flight Charts

Flight Rules:

  1. All dragons must be up on a webpage. No Click'n'takes are allowed, although gift dragons, both self-gift and gifted by others are very much welcome.
  2. The adult stage must be up before the dragon can rise or chase.
  3. The writer of the riser chooses who wins the flight, and can also write the flight story (Alternately, I'll write the flight story if the riser wishes). The hatching story will normally be written by me, unless the female's writer really wants to write it.
  4. Sizes are... well, relative. Most dragons these days seem to have actual measurements, and some are size shifters, so just... anything within reason is acceptable. Obviously none of my normal Myrsilkains are going to be chasing or being caught by itty bitty dragons. But let's just keep it within reason. So instead of going by measurements, I'll adopt the "general sizes" (small, medium, large, massive and variants there-of) that others have taken to using. Myrsilkains fall into the "large" to "massive" category (unless they're sports, in which case they fall between the "medium" and "large" categories), Alevaharins typically fall between "medium-small" to "medium" category, as do the Alaiskya.
  5. There's no limit to how often a riser can rise here, just keep it within reason.
  6. Chasers can only be signed up for one flight at a time at Clan Akelara. I understand that there are convenient little time holes in the fabric of our Nexus that people exploit ruthlessly, so having a chaser flying in two different locals at the same time is ok with me, as long as it's ok with the other agency owner.
  7. If you have two premated dragons, just send them in together and they'll get shuffled to the sands right away.

And with that, here's the form. Email this to: silveredmagic @ yahoo.com without the spaces.

For Risers have the subject be: Riser
For Chasers have the subject be: Chaser
If it's a premated pair that you have, have the subject as: Premated.

Your name:
Your email:
Dragon's Rider (if any):
Rider's Gender:
Dragon's Name:
Dragon's Gender:
Dragon's Color:
Dragon's URL:
(For Risers:) Any restrictions or requirements for your chasers?:
(For Chasers:) Which riser are you chasing?:
Any other Comments?: