
He and his sister walked side by side into the large hatching grounds, both of their gazes flickering upwards to the dancing candles, mixed emotions slipping through their mind. On one hand, it was a rather interesting use of power, but on the other... well, it was light, and bright at that.

The two of them arranged themselves together in a convenient shadow and settled into stillness as they awaited the hatching to begin.

And begin it did, with the first to hatch being a lovely winter, who, after bonding, promptly froze the candles in place, and only after the dame had unfrozen them did they return to their flickering movement.

Lesarakel smirked slightly, giving her brother an amused look before returning her attention the hatching before her.

More hatchlings entered into the world, first a Summer-Earth, then a Spring-Foliage bonded as well, after crashing into an egg and sending it onto its side. That inhabitant burst free, revealing an Autumn male of the same coloration as his mother, who, after declaring that he wouldn't bond, strode to one side.

Two more eggs hatched after that, one revealing an autumn-winged blood season, the other, another full winter.

It was the Winter that caught Lesara's eye, as the young creature remained panting on the ground, apparently drawing strength back into her dark streaked body. As the Blood bonded, the Winter lazily rose from her position, and surveyed the candidates that stood around her, before striding towards her bond... Lesarakel.

Les smiled faintly, already feeling the hatchling in her mind, and knowing instantly that the darkness she lived in did not bother her new bond in the slightest, "Hello. Yes, I know you don't mind the darkness, Ishrym."

Her smile only grew wider as a chill wind swept through the cavern for a minute, dimming the lights until most people could barely see. She and her brother, on the other hand... and, now, Ishrym, her lovely bond.

"I am hungry now, Lesara," the hatchling's voice was sweet, "Can we eat?"

"Of course." After flashing her brother a smile, and a 'hah, take that!' mental feeling, she and her new bond strode off the sands, conversing quitely.

Tirval rolled his eyes, then settled back to await the hatching of his bond. It didn't bother him that Les had bonded first... that only meant that they were now fairly equal in footing as for birth order.

With sharp eyes, he watched as the eggs hatched and bonded, one after the other, until there were only two eggs left on the sands. One of them split open, spilling out a wiggling mess of limbs that, when they finally sorted themselves out, revealed that there were, in truth, two dragons there instead of one. One, the larger, was a true Autumn, though marked with darker shadows than the previous hatchlings, the other was an autumn-winged flame.

The autumn-winged flame bonded first, and Tirval had to shake his head slightly at the neglect Sprite showed to her bond.

"That's not very nice," the Autumn spoke, as he glanced upwards at Sprite.

He brought his eyes down from watching the creature, and focused instead on the dragon that stood before him, "You know I would never do that."

The dragon tilted his head slightly to one side, "Not even for a super-sentient horse?"

Tirv had to smile at that, remembering Starlance's parting words vividly. The stallion had made it amply clear that, horse shape aside, he could easily take care of himself and Starsilver, "Well, they can pretty much take care of themselves."

"That's good then. My name is Veren."

A nod, he had sensed that, and found it reassuring that his powers could, and did, work just as well with this dragon that he had managed to bond to as it did with pretty much everything else in existance, "Let's go eat."

With no great fuss, they strode off the sands side by side, though Tirvaltoraiel had to smirk faintly at the unconscious pose of his bond... yes, they would fit together quite well, thank you very much!

Just wait until the family met Veren and Ishrym.