
Oh! So the tersk are the flightless descendents of the ambre? Wow...

Name: Inihntai
Nickname: Initai
Gender: Female
Color: Silver-winged Silvered Purple
Race: Flurrier Mutt
Size: 8' tall, 29' long

Inihntai is a dragoness on a quest for knowledge. She wants to know everything possible - and then she wants to teach it to others, so that they understand the world around them better. She's found a kindred spirit in Lesara, and spends an incredible amount of time with the "cold" woman - so much so that people are beginning to wonder if the Silvered Purple dragoness decided to bond with Lesara, though no one has the guts to ask - and occasionally goes to help Tirval in his lab - though only when Lesara does as well.

Powers: Psionics

Assisted Firebreath

Notes: Snowflake membranes, silver points
Bond: Lesarakel A'vredon