
"Heyo! One beat-down comin' right up, yo!"
Name: | Reno |
Gender: | Male |
Color: | Yellow |
Species: | Anthrodragon |
Size: | 7'6" |
Personality: |
Reno's a cocky dragon, self-assured and self-confident no matter what's thrown at him, or how often he's beat down. In the rare case of him finding someone his superior in fighting his attitude remains unchanged, and he's just as likely to crack jokes or make comments in defeat as he is in victory. His comments can be bitingly cynical at times, and he can weild words as weapons just as readily as he weilds his electro-bat, possessing a frightening intelligence behind his pose of being the ne'er-do-well delinquent. Some would think that he wouldn't be that great of a fighter, given how lazy he can be at times, but it's really just a matter of Reno following the concept of "Don't stand if you can sit, don't sit if you can lay down, don't stay awake if you can sleep." He takes his leisure just as seriously as his duties, slacking in neither, and almost completely separating the two. People he considers 'enemies' while on duty can become 'best friends' as soon as he's given leave and goes off duty, a distinction that works in reverse as well. Reno refuses to work while he's off duty, and refuses to slack off when he's on duty, an enviable (if sometimes annoying) attitude. Of course, now that Rieno's around, Reno tends to act the ne'er-do-well even more, playing bad cop to Rieno's good cop, on or off duty, due to his larger, more menacing form. He loves his 'lil furry twin' with a quiet passion that would surprise people who don't know him well, and will personally (and cheerfully) kill anyone who harms a hair on Rieno's head (after giving Rieno first shot, that is). Not that they have a perfect relationship! Like all brothers, Reno occasionally disagrees with, fights with, and grouches about Rieno (and perhaps moreso than most brothers, given how headstrong and cocky both of them are), but these disagreements, no matter how violent they can seem, are usually patched up almost as quickly as they begin. |
Description: |
Reno's a tall, well built anthropomorph with yellow hide and red markings all over his body, pale green-blue eyes, and spikey red hair. And it is hair, not a mane like many anthros sport, as it doesn't extend onto his neck except as a ponytail that Reno keeps in order to impose a bit of order onto the spikey mess. Both of his ears are pierced multiple times, and while he's often seen with hoops through the piercings, it's not unknown for him to swap some or all of the hoops out for studs with sparkling, vibrant colors (he personally prefers rubies and other brilliant red stones, to go with his hair and markings, but he's been known to put sapphires in on occasion). His wings are really only good for short flights and glides, but being ground-bound doesn't bother Reno in the slightest - he's a superb climber, and can easily scale walls and cliffs that others would find impossible. Reno is predominantly left handed, though he fights with either hand and often switches hands mid-fight to shake up his opponents. Reno almost always wears a white button-down shirt, a red tie, and a vibrant blue jacket and pants. His white shirt is typically half-tucked and partially-buttoned at best, his tie is always sloppily (and loosely) tied, and his jacket is always open, further enhancing his ne'er-do-well persona. He is never without his "beatin' stick" - a long piece of magically enhanced wood with a lightning spell woven into it. Upon contact with an enemy, the stick delivers a magical jolt of electricity to the poor sod who had the misfortune to get in Reno's way. |
History: |
For the longest time, Reno was a wanderer who took up odd jobs here and there, whether it be as a body guard, a bouncer, or anything else he could get his paws into that interested him. Eventually, one of those contracts brought him to Clan Akelara, right about the time Rieno was literally dropped at the Clan's doorstep by his creator, Aki. The two hit it off (after a period of showmanship and rivalry), and became firm partners and, eventually, sworn-brothers. |
Abilities: |
Telepathy Teleportation Verbal Speech |
Bond: | None |