Liukari D'an Selora

"You need a strategist, yes, but you need a tactician more. A strategist plans behind the lines, a tactician makes those plans work in the field."
Name: | Liukari D'an Selora |
Gender: | Female |
Species: | Nature/Fire Desagra |
Hair: | Red |
Eyes: | Green |
Skin: | Naturally Dark Copper |
Height: | 5'3" tall |
Age: | 19 |
Personality: |
Liukari is a spitfire of a woman, with a fiery temper and a mind that is constantly at work, no matter how exhausted she is. She believes in getting even, and getting even with a flare, though she'd never do anything to harm any of her close friends. Liukari will not, however, hesitate to remove anyone or anything she sees as a threat to the success of herself, her friends, or her side, even if it means removing someone on her side, whether... permanently... or not. People have called her 'frigid' at times due to her semi-emotionless state that she enters when in a battle, but she just shrugs the accusations off with the comment that emotions have little place on the field of battle, and that a tactician must remain a step removed from the people and events occuring in order to properly lead the army to victory. Liukari resents her people, and resents the practice that made her into the machine of war that she currently is, and used that resentment (with the help of Reno and Rieno) to break the conditioning that made her nothing but a tool for the Earth Desagra. Now she travels about with the two mercenaries, helping them where they need help, trying to keep the two vaguely in line, and generally enjoying the chance to learn who she really is underneath conditioning, training, and experience. Though she's helping Akelara as a Tactician, if the brothers decide to move on while the war is still going, Liukari will leave with them, as she has no true attachment to Akelara, but rather to the brothers. |
Description: |
Among her own people, Liukari stands out like a sore thumb. She is tall and slender, with dark copper skin and deep red hair, compared to the shorter, sturdily built Earth's with their clay-colored skin and loamy black hair, or the short, willowy Nature's, with their bark brown skin and grass green hair. The only visible proof of her mixed heritage is her bright green eyes, which no Fire would ever have, and her magic channels, which occasionally have a greenish tint to them. When using her magic, her channels light up with power - bright fiery red if she's using fire magic, or bright emerald green if she's healing or working with plant magic. Her channels cover much of her body, even onto her hands, down her legs, and over her ankles, giving her the ability to channel a huge amount of magic at once. Liukari tends to wear whatever comes to hand, though lately she's been wearing a lot of blood red that sorta matches her hair, and most of her clothing is designed to cover her magic channels to not reveal exactly how much of her body is covered with the whorls and lines that make them up. She never carries physical weapons on her, as she has neither the strength nor the skill to use them, though she can handle weapons without hurting herself. |
History: |
Liukari is what is commonly know as a 'war child' - one of the rare results of mixed bloodlines that tend to start cropping up whenever war between the various Desagra cults becomes truly furious and prisoners are taken. Her mother was one of those prisoners, taken by a warparty of Fire Desagra, and by the time she and the rest of the prisoners were reclaimed, she was pregnant with Liukari. Tradition states that war children are to be taken and raised by the leadership and put to use in war, and so that was exactly what happened to Liukari. Put to work from an early age, it was soon clear that, unlike her Fire heritage that she took after so much, Liukari was much more suited to the intellectual and magical arts like her mother's people, the Nature Desagra. And so it was that she was handed over to the magicians and trained in the ways of magic, though quite a bit of it (especially regarding her Fire heritage) she had to learn through trial and error. Her magical training started when she was barely five years of age, and was supplemented with lessons on strategy when she was ten. During this time, though she wasn't aware of it, she was being conditioned to feel indebted towards the Earths, so that she would work to the utmost at their bidding, and rarely give a thought to what she desired for herself. Her first battle occurred when she was fifteen, and brought her against the feared Death Desagra and their army of Controlled minions. She fought, and fought well, with her fire and her plant magics. Liukari promptly threw up after the battle was over. During the following year and a half, the Earth Desagra used her and the small handful of other war-children to reclaim their old borders and start pushing into the territory of the Water Desagra. This was where the brothers found her, an exhausted sixteen year old who refused to give in or give up, and began to work on her. She was fascinated by them from the start - after all, they were such strange creatures, the likes of which she'd never seen before - and cautiously approached them whenever she had a moment to herself. From them, she learned what 'freedom' meant, and that she and the other war-children were specifically being 'used up' - used and used until they exhausted themselves to death. The reaction of the Earths around her when she asked that question was answer enough for her, and her fury at being betrayed like that was enough to shatter the conditioning given to her as a young child. No longer feeling indebted to the Earths, Liukari left with the Renos in order to get away from her world and everything in it. |
Abilities: |
Fire Magic Healing Magic Plant Magic |
Bond: | Copper w/ Black Hatyth |