Karsorael Imabrosia

"Wooooooow. And you want to carve dens into that? ... I, er, might need more help than just me..."
Name: | Karsorael Imabrosia |
Gender: | Female |
Color: | Green-Blue |
Species: | Supernal |
Size: | Medium-Large 16' tall at shoulder |
Personality: |
Karsorael is a very straight-forward Supernal, saying exactly what she means, and meaning exactly what she says, whether or not it appears that way. She has no fear of speaking her mind when she sees it necessary, and can occasionally earn herself enemies by not watching what she says as closely as she should. All in the name of practicallity, of course -- better an enemy now than to watch as pain comes to those who could have prevented it. Going hand-in-hand with this practical, straight-forward nature is her dedication to responsibility. There's a reason she was the one left at the clearing, watching her younger sib, and that reason is that she'd never willingly fail at a charge given to her, and will always own up to any mistakes she's made in the process. Beyond her 'good-face', as Solath has occasionally (teasingly) called it, Karsorael harbors a desire to explore, to investigate, to know that sometimes leaves Solath gasping in the dust, unable to keep up with the active Supernal. Not that she'd ever knowingly cause him pain, but she's left him behind a time or two, without meaning it, to go poke her nose where it doesn't (technically) belong. |
Abilities: | Breath Weapon (Lightning) Fire Immunity Heal Others Shapeshifting (Human, Lion) (Human looks like normal human, lion retains coloration and mane) Size-Shifting Teleportation Verbal Speech Unique Ability: Earth Shape: Through a complex process of water-based erosion and reformation, Karsorael can shape solid rock in any way she chooses |
Notes: | |
Bond: | None |
Parents: | Dam: Raminiel Nathanurin Sire: Dimasasehiel Imabrosia |