

::Put some snap into those moves! You expect our foes to go easy on you?!::

Name: Duruth
Nickname: Sword
Gender: Male
Color: Blue
Species: Old World: Talis Weyr
Size: Medium-Small
Medium Blue

Duruth should have been born a bronze. Aggressive and intelligent enough to hold his own against Sentinel (Chava'), Duruth has the strange privilege of being a Lieutenant under Sentinel, over the other colors that make up the rest of the small command. He's confident enough to pull that feat of distinction off, and aloof enough from the rest to not care what others are whispering about him.

It's lucky for the rest of the Clan that Sentinel chose him as a member of the Guard, because the training and patrols allow him to safely expend his aggressive energy. Otherwise, Duruth would be a loose cannon, prone to going off at the smallest thing.

Abilities: Assisted Firebreath
Notes: --
Bond: Rak
Parents: Dam: Tiger Eye Green Asthorth
Sire: Dark Brown Kileth