
"Dasa won't admit to it, but we're the best warriors this side of Faerl."

Name: Citibridlis
Nickname: Cee
Gender: Male
Color: Gradient Blue-Black and Green
Race: Hathian/Ryslen Hybrid
Size: 20' tall, 56' long

Cee is a rather easy going dragon, taking everything in his stride and remaining unruffled no matter what gets thrown at him. He's rather selfish, though, and wants nothing but the very best for himself and his bond. The deception of being clumsy and stupid that he had to run with his clutchmate Rirah grated on his nerves every second, as it didn't let him express himself. Now that he's not under that restraint, he's free to boast and posture as much as he wants, and fully exploits that at every opportunity.

Powers: Telepathy


Flame Breath

Animal Contral
Notes: Hathian style wingarms, shoulderplates, and horns. Ryslen style crest and tail club.
Clutch Number: CoC: Wave One, Clutch Thirty One
Bond: Dasabaal