Asari Kendira

"Come on! This is boring!"
Name: | Asari Kendira |
Gender: | Female |
Race: | Pure Lost Human |
Eyes: | Pale Blue |
Hair: | Bone White |
Age: | Around 23 |
Personality: |
Asari is Selas' opposite -- bright, energetic, and unable to sit still for more than two seconds. She has so much energy in her that sometimes she feels like she'll burst, and she doubts that she'll ever be able to calm down, no matter how old she gets. Her mind rapidly flits from topic to topic, darting here and there on a whim, though that doesn't mean by any stretch of the imagination that she's stupid. Granted, she can't sit through a lecture class without nearly going ballistic, but let her move around while she's learning, and she'll absorb everything you teach her like a sponge absorbs water. Her everlasting curiosity has gotten her into more than one bit of trouble, and will likely get her into much more trouble as she continues on through life. Her curse is something that no one wants to see. Her unending energy gets routed from the normally peaceful, amusing thoughts of hers to darker, deadly paths. She can plan, initiate, and execute an (often deadly) strike on anyone she sees as holding her back, or restraining her from moving in any way. Even something as benign as someone asking her to sit at a table for dinner could set her off while she's under her curse. Asari doesn't care that she's an albino. Point it out to her, and she'll merely shrug. What business is it for others to try and label her? Her opinion on Fallen is that they're full of themselves. She refuses to hero-worship some of them like Raiyan does, but she will admit that the ones she's met and gotten to know aren't half bad... especially Gale. Gale is nice. |
Description: |
Slender, lithe, and delicate like a feline, Asari is so flexible and graceful that some people have asked if she's double-jointed in every bone in her body. Her speed is an incredible thing to watch, and when she's really putting forth the effort, she can't actually be seen unless someone is paying close attention. Her pale blue eyes and bone white hair and skin mark her as a Pure Lost, though even she has some color to her skin when compared to Raiyan. Her Bloom Rose bloom is relatively small, covering a section of her lower back. She has no official colors, because she's not a Fallen, and can never become one. Normally, she'll wear nearly anything, though she hates dresses and skirts. She often wears tight fitting clothes with little to nothing dangling loose, the better to wriggle through tight areas that are supposed to be off limits. |
History: |
Only daughter of Falken and Belis Kendira (though she has five brothers of vary ages), Asari was the only one of the lot with seemingly unending energy. Having driven her parents and siblings to distraction on multiple occasions, they leaped at an opportunity to foist her off on someone else when they wanted to move again. Asari long knew that her parents, though they loved her, couldn't keep up with her, and has accepted the change in guardians with grace and good will... especially since Hali and Gale welcomed her with open arms and the gentle reminder that their backyard opened up onto a park with plenty of trees to climb, hills to explore, and streams to play in, and "please do remember to come home at nine for dinner, dear". Ever since then, she's been Raiyan's near-constant companion, especially since the other tends to get into some interesting (and exciting) adventures. |
Bond: | None |