The Tricksters Invade

(And Revent starts contemplating retirement)

Revent didn't know where the white Hathian-hybrid had come from, nor what, exactly, the dragon was crossed with. All he knew was that... well... Fenrir was a prankster of the highest sort. The white dragon seemed to live for nothing except pulling pranks on others.

After several weeks of having to deal with the Hathian-hybrid, the normal business of a Clan, and the clutch on the new dark sands right outside the Clan, Revent wanted something gone. Preferably the clutch of nasties right outside their door, but he'd settle for sicing Fenrir on some other poor su-- er, agency.

And what better place to send a Hathian-hybrid than Tris'hath, where the Hathians came from?

It was but the work of a moment to call up a sprite that could write for him, and only another few moments for him to dictate a "letter of introduction" to Mystic, concerning Fenrir. A general mindcall served to bring the happy-go-lucky pranster into the den...

And, merely wanting to get rid of the blasted dragon, he handed the note to Fenrir, told the white where to go, and told him to get gone immediately.

Fenrir left with a wide grin, something that made Revent uneasy, but he dismissed the thought...

Sneaking off to an empty den, Fenrir unrolled the note and gazed at it, his smirk widening as he set the note down and skipped out of the den and towards the library. Elyissa, the records keeper at Clan Akelara, was friendly towards all dragons and willingly summoned sprites for others to use for a time, so that all dragons in the Clan could, if they wanted too, have a note written.

After he had gotten a sprite and a clean scroll to write on, Fenrir returned to the den, and set about... 'rewording' the note to Mystic.


Fenrir is a curious, friendly dragon who wishes to see the homeland of the Hathians and remain there. He's been very well-behaved the entire time he was here and tends to help others whenever he sees the need. I'm positive you will enjoy his company as much as we have.

-Sorcerer Revent'akel"

Satisfied with his rewording, Fenrir gathered the new note up and went to the ledge. With a last glance at the Clan around him - and a mental snicker as he considered the pranks he had set up that were now waiting for various fools to stumble into them (include one or two for Revent and his mate... it was a pity he couldn't stick around to see those go off) - he leapt into the air and powered upwards, teleporting away right as a bellow reached his ears. A bellow that sounded suspiciously like Revent roaring his name...

Appearing over the quiet warren, Fenrir spiralled downwards, asking a dragon he came across where he could find Mystic...

That was how he ended up in Mystic's office, presenting the note to the woman and putting on his best "I'm innocent and cute and you love me" face.

Behind that face, he was already plotting pranks to pull on everyone in Tris'hath...

Clan Akelara had only a few days of general relaxation. Days where the worst that anyone had to deal with was a hissing nasty trying to sneak in. No pranks, no real chaos, no insanity... just out and out, true evil.

It was rather refreshing.

But all good things must come to an end...

It was dawn of the fifth day since Revent had decided to foist Fenrir off on Mystic when They came. Laughing, joking, dancing about in the sky like the wildest of children, giving no thought to the creatures below them, or, even, those in the sky with them.

As Revent was about to discover.

You hooligans! Watch where you're flying! The loud mindvoice snapped Revent out of a sound sleep. What came next made him jerk to his feet and bolt towards the ledge. By the ancestors! Where did all you hooligans come from! First that insane Fenrir, and now an entire clutch!

We come from the wilds, oldster! A laughing mindvoice responded. We come following our clutchsib! He is here? He told us such wonderful things about all of you!

Quit flying loops around me, immature bratling! Entrin snarled. No, he is not here anymore!

We'll just settle in and wait for his return then, oldster!

Revent groaned aloud, spotting a darting clump of hybrid dragons as they wove in and out of his sight. One had been bad enough, but now an entire clutch had shown up? It would be the death of the clan!

"I wonder if I can convince them all to vanish to Tris'hath. That would nicely get rid of this little problem." Revent muttered as he slunk back to the nest he shared with Yikaeri.

She snorted, her tail flicking from side to side, "I don't think Mystic would thank you. We haven't even met with her yet, and here you're throwing these... interesting... dragons at her?"

"We haven't met with any of the other leaders," He retorted, then sighed, "But you're probably right. I don't want to anger a potential friend and ally."

"Look," Yikaeri extended a paw and tapped a claw on the rock to emphasize each point, "We've agreed that we can't keep an entire clutch of these creatures around, but we've also agreed that we can't pack them all off to Mystic. We also haven't properly introduced ourselves yet. Why don't we invite the leaders here, and anyone else who feels like visiting our Clan, and have a... what do the humans call it? An 'open house'?"

"And hope that the hybrids decide to follow some of them home? I like the idea." Revent muttered, "But here's the catch... do we warn them about what might happen?"

The den sank to silence but for the soft clicking of claw on stone as Yikaeri thought it over.

"We can just say that we have a clutch of full grown Hathian hybrids who're looking for good homes. We don't exactly have to say that they're pranksters of the highest sort." Came her thoughtful answer.

Revent snorted, then eyed his mate suspiciously, "Are we inviting Mystic too?"

"To be polite, we should. Whether she accepts is up to her."

"If she gets pounced by another of the hybrids, I'm not taking the blame for it."

Yikaeri laughed, "We'll cross that bridge if and when we get to it. Shall we send out invitations to all the leaders, then broadcast a general 'come if you want' note to the rest of the Nexus?"

"Might as well." With a flick of his tail, a glowing symbol appeared in the air, followed by a bright ice sprite who - apparently accustomed to be called upon to write letters for Revent - held a pad and a strange pen at the ready. With only a brief pause, Revent began to dictate.

"Dear (leader's name and rank here);

It has come to our attention that, new as we are, we at Clan Akelara have not properly met with and spoken to our 'neighbors' in this Nexus. With that in mind, my mate and I have decided to open our Clan and host a small, casual party to introduce both ourselves and our clan to all, so that we may become less of an isolated mystery and more of a known, trusted entity.

On top of this, we have recently been graced with the company of an entire clutch of full grown Hathian hybrids of unknown parentage, all of which are looking for new homes. Any who can provide a home for one of these hybrids are welcome to take one to go home with them.

Sorcerer Revent'akel
Summoner Yikaeri'akel"