I accept your challenge!
Name: | Zekielth |
Gender: | Male |
Color: | Copper |
Species: | Alskyr |
Size: | Medium-Large 15'8" at the shoulder |
Personality: |
Zeki, as he likes to be called, is a stubborn, headstrong copper accustomed to not only getting his way, but getting his way without a fight. It's not so much that Anrak has spoiled him, as that both of their desires have a tendency to mesh so well that what Zeki wants, Anrak also wants. As a result, Zeki is nearly impossible to deal with when he's got the bit between his teeth. On the plus side, he is very rarely dissuaded from something, and never gives up on a project after he's begun it. He loves the thrill of the hunt, the dive, and the bind, and thus prefers to hunt his prey as a falcon would. He is an impeccable warrior, a true terror on the battlefield... if one can get him to obey orders, that is. |
Abilities: | Telepathy Teleportation Fire-breathing |
Bond: | Anrak |

Anrak, I heard you inside there. My name is Zekielth, and I would have come before now but the egg wasn't firm enough for me to crack. But I've been working at it, I promise!