Caller Celcis'akel


"Read any good books lately?"

Name: Celcis'akel (cell-sis)
Title: Caller
Gender: Female
Element and Rank: Simple Earth
Species: Myrsilkain
Size: Large
20'7" tall, 62'1" long
Elemental Powers: Earth: 5

Celcis is a typical, laid back Earth in all respects. She believes (for the most part) in letting things happen as they will happen, though she makes an exception for things that could pose a threat to the Clan. She might not be the best guard in the Clan, but she is dedicated to keeping her loved ones safe.

When off-duty, she can often be found reading in one of the Towers. Celcis' love for information is outweighed only by her love of adventure novels, and it's not uncommon to find her buried nose-deep in a fiction book.

Bond: None
Mate: None
Notes: Does Not Carry for Seasons