Kyran Rasur

"We are the damned of humanity, yes... but only by your definition. Why should we let your opinions bother us?"
Name: | Kyran Rasur |
Fallen Title: | The Frozen Star |
Gender: | Male |
Race: | Fallen Human |
Eyes: | Silver-edged Blue |
Hair: | Black |
Age: | Around 400 |
Personality: |
Proud and rather aloof, Kyran has drawn the mantle of his curse around him as a shield against the human world. He hates the fear he provokes in the short-lived humans, which only serves to make him more aloof to them, continuing the cycle. Very few know anything about him, and even amongst his own kind he's perceived as aloof, which earned him the title of "Frozen" early in his life. Not that it makes him a heartless beast. While it may take longer to break through his shell than it takes to get at other Fallen, Kyran is perhaps one of the kinder, gentler of the small group, being either less affected by the "curse" of the Fallen or better able to hide it. He's known for being a protector of anyone who he perceives as deserving protection, though often just from the shadows, to keep himself from being recognized (and thus feared). He doesn't want recognition for anything he's done, whether for humans or other Fallen, He can be very forgetful of short-term things, and often loses touch with the human world around him, absorbed in Fallen matters and his own two close friends, Eli and Luna. Though he claims to hate Eli, and often lumps Luna in with that statement, the truth of the matter is that Eli and Luna are the only two left from his past, and that past ties them together as both friends and enemies. Kyran considers the Lost to be the degenerates of the world, lost of both humanity and Fallen society, but he's open minded enough to reserve judgment on individual Lost until he's seen enough to judge their character. He has had, in the past, one or two Lost companions he considered to be as close to him as Eli and Luna. |
Description: |
Tall and knife-slender, Kyran shows his mixed-mutt heritage in his silver-edged blue eyes, wavy black hair, and fair skin. His facial features are sharp and aquiline, giving him an appearance not so much "handsome" as "dangerous". His wavy hair reaches his shoulders, occasionally growing long enough to brush the bottom of his shoulder blades before he remembers to cut it. His skin is fair, though it rarely burns, much to his relief. On his lower left arm is the mark of the Blood Rose plague - a massive red discoloration that resembles a rose-like bloom, complete with darker and lighter sections defining petals and a light area defining the core. The bloom covers the entirety of his lower arm, from elbow to wrist, and no bare skin is visible anywhere on it. Kyran's official colors are Silver and Sapphire Blue, though he only wears those when in a formal Fallen gathering. For day to day wear, his choices are all over the board, though more often than not he wears simple clothing, often blue-jeans and a plain T-shirt (and a long-sleeved jacket when he has to deal with humans). His fancier clothing, especially his formal wear, he had tailor-made for him, though he only wears those when he has to. |
History: |
Kyran was found in the snow one late winter morning by "Mother" Demi, a priestess in a mostly female monastery that was working to shelter children cursed with the Blood Rose plague since birth. Where he lived before that time, who he was, even why he was out in the snow, miles from anywhere with a trail of his footsteps vanishing into the north, no one knows, and he refuses to speak of. It was there at the monastery that he met Eli, Luna, Fae, and several other Fallen, and it was there that his known history began. It was in the shelter of the monastery and the Brothers and Sisters there that he grew up, protected from the world and the hate in it. He spent his early years, up until well into his twenties, in fact, sheltered there, learning many things from the Brothers and Sisters. But then Fae wanted to explore the outside world, her curiosity peaked by descriptions and stories. Unwilling to let one of their own go alone, most of the Fallen resolved to travel with her. The world outside wasn't too bad... until, that is, one of their group accidentally revealed that, yes, they were all "Fallen" -- that meant born with the Blood Rose plague, didn't it? The community turned on them almost instantly. People they'd been speaking with turned nasty, a mob forming, hunting them down. It was Fae who saw the way out... and it was Fae who bought the rest of the group the time to escape. While the others were getting away, Fae stood her ground, small though she was, and struck back with anything she could get her hands on, using her abilities to the fullest. The rest of the group escaped, but Fae was never heard from again by any of them. Without her, they decided to return, though their return was dogged by bad luck. In the end, only four made it back to the monastery - Eli, Luna, Kyran, and one other by the name of Gale. Embittered by this, the four distanced themselves from everyone but each other and the Brothers and Sisters who had raised them and grown up with them. It was during this period that the seed of the Celestial Covenant was sown, and it was with the help of the Brothers and Sisters of the monastery that they managed to gather every Fallen known to be alive. Though it took years to gather all of them and discuss everything with everyone (many of them with language barriers), it was finally done, and the Celestial Covenant was created. Ever since then, Kyran has been drifting around, Eli and Luna following his wandering path. Though they may settle in one place for a time, they rarely stay longer than a decade. Currently, they've set themselves up in Caevadrin, and have been there for nearly two centuries, an oddity in and of itself. Gale vanished not too long after they began drifting, and though rumors of his whereabouts often reach their ears, they've never managed to meet up with him for longer than a few days. Though they might deny it, Eli, Luna, Gale, and Kyran are considered the true "creators" of Fallen society because of their work in unifying them into a distinct group, despite everything working against them. This affords them an immense amount of respect and deference amongst the Fallen, despite the fact that the Celestial Covenant says that all Fallen are equal. |
Bond: | None |