The Iltakimen

A time of eternal darkness and frozen chill, the Iltakimen began with an ice age, and was sealed firm by the Great Cataclysm, where multiple meteors struck the face of the planet at about the same time, triggering massive volcanic eruptions that sent tons of ash and gases into the atmosphere all over the planet, thus reducing the amount of light that reached the surface of the planet. From this grew the Iltakimen, a time when species died and most of the planet became a desolate world of darkness and ice.

The Ensior were one of the only races to survive the destruction, and even then they barely managed to hang on, their species scattered and separated by rip winds, grounded by the cold and unable to fly above the ash and smoke filling the upper atmosphere. Many began retreating into their deep caverns, sinking into a deep hibernation in order to survive the ice age.

But before they did, several gathered and worked their magics one last time, creating from their scales and blood and breath a new race, to walk and watch and guard where they could not. And into that race they placed their strengths and magic and, most importantly, their hopes.

And now, that race, the Naktar, Children of the Makers, walks the desolate world, and coaxes life from darkness and ice, crafting new species to blanket the world in life where life has failed, creating tiny pockets of hope in the midst of desolation and despair.