Ullida Sikani

Ullida Sikani

"Oh, Sessil, leave be. Reiji's a fine dragon, so long as you don't meet him when he's being official."

Name: Ullida Sikani (Bellringer)
Gender: Female
Color: Blue
Species: Mutt
Size: Medium-Small
9'4" tall at shoulder, 58' long

Ullida is a lively young dragoness, constantly looking for something new, something interesting... of course, it helps that she sees everything as 'new and interesting', saying that everything changes from heartbeat to heartbeat. Very little can get her spirits down, and nothing can keep her spirits down for very long. She tends to be called 'cute' by her Myrsilk companions, 'chaos in action' by many non-Myrsilk of the Clan, and 'keep that thing away from me!' by the creatures of Koshi Keidai.

Maybe it was because of her early life, maybe meeting Sessil so young snapped something in her little brain, or maybe she was just born that way, but whatever caused it, Ullida has very little of what some would call 'self-preservation instincts' and what many would call 'sanity'. Undaunted by traditional 'wisdom', Ullida has struck up a friendship with one of the children of the WDH, one Reiji by name, and is constantly sneaking out to visit him. She tolerates (or perhaps completely ignores) the fact that Reiji has admitted to working for Lord Kokuei, and that Reiji has been at least partially responsible for some of the recent horrors appearing from Koshi Keidai. She will not, however, tolerate Reiji's attempts to turn her to his side, nor will she tolerate his attempts at using her against her adoptive Clan.

Abilities: Elemental Magic: 2 (minor)
Sonic Control: 9 (special)
Water Magic: 10 (special)
Empathy: 7 (major)
Notes: Intelligence 60
Education (will depend but will be very capable of learning a lot)
Strength 97*
Health 90*
Agility 105
Reaction 106
Appearance 85
Charisma 50
Aggression 50
Sanity 55
Courage 75
* Per "height" - a dragon this size is around 8x the 'height' (or length) of a Zekiran, on which the numbers are standard 1-100.
Body Type is an average of Str and Hea, again per length, at 94 (hit points, basically)
Bond: None
Parents: Dam: Banyak Sikani
Sire: Zeronen