Neewar Houtrar

Neewar Houtrar

::The aurora is bright tonight. Come, watch.::

Name: Neewar Houtrar
Gender: Male
Color: Blue
Species: Snowdrake Mutt
Size: Medium-Small
7'9" at shoulder, 18'8" from nose to tailtip

Neewar is a rather independent dragon who tends to disappear off to heavens-know-where at a moment's notice. More than one person has reported seeing Neewar wandering through the tundra regions of Nyracii, exploring the areas that few can withstand. To top it off, he's very reserved, only speaking when he absolutely must.

His loyalty, though, is nothing to be dismissed - given without restriction and only lost when it's proven that a person absolutely does not deserve it, Neewar will stand up for anyone or anything that he believes deserves his loyalty.

Abilities: Telepathy
Spirit Force
Fire Control
Plane Shift
Notes: Does not bond, can breed with anything of a similar size.
Bond: None
Parents: Mother: Yellow Lad'lahky Houtalli
Father: Blue Uqetrar