
"Cat by day, human by night - am I man, or am I beast?"

Name: Murree
Gender: Male
Race: Shapeshifter
Eye color: Hazel Green
Size: 4'10"
Age: 34

By day, Murree is a snow-white lion with a huge, silver mane and dark hazel eyes. His snow white fur is a mutation, not the result of albinism, and thus his skin is actually a dark grey-to-black color that is most noticable around his mouth, eyes, and on the pads of his feet. His claws are also black, instead of being clear like many cat claws are. While he cannot talk in this form, he can understand those around him, and thus uses Mucez as his spokesperson during this time.

At night, Murree is a short, thin human with pale skin and a rather delicate build. His eyes are slanted, and remain the same dark hazel color that he has in his lion form. Murree has straight, dark red hair that he often keeps cut in a short, albeit messy, manner. He wears whatever comes to hand first, whenever he remembers to actually wear clothes.


Murree is always up for new places, new people, and new things to see and do. He has seemingly boundless energy, and very rarely stops and thinks before he does anything. This often results in many tense moments, because who really likes to see a large lion suddenly bound into a room and look around? He's lived with his shapeshifting his entire life, and thus Murree rarely stops to think that sometimes people don't realize that the lion that just entered is actually of human intelligence. Similarly, during the night when he's in human form, Murree can often forget to pull clothes on, unless he actively thinks about dressing fancy to go clubbing, to a show, or the like.

Because of his height, Murree is often mistaken for a child while in human form. In many cases, he does nothing to counter this thought. After all, humans don't think badly about a child running around and getting into things, but would instantly yell at him to act his age if they realized he was actually in his thirties. Despite this, Murree is actually much stronger and more powerful than his height and slender build would have others believe, though he often downplays his strength to keep up appearances.

Abilities: Uncontrolled Shapeshifting: Snow Lion (Day), Human (Night)
Bond: Murree