
"Oh! Hi! What's your name?"

Name: Miranda Magdalena
Class: Sailor Scout
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Amber
Height: 5'8" tall

This seductive magical girl has almond-shaped blue eyes and very short, straight, fine, amber hair worn in a carefully-crafted style. She has a lithe figure. Her outfit is mostly violet and green, and it resembles a fortune teller's garb.


Eternally cheerful, Miranda always has a smile on her face and a helping hand for others. Nothing can get her down, no matter what happens, because if nothing's going right, then it obviously isn't the end. Thus, there's no reason to be depressed!

Don't take her as shallow, though. Miranda loves the scholarly studies as much, if not more so, than her bond, and the sheer number of random facts and information tucked away in her brain make her a walking trival game, sometimes. All that random information makes her useful at times, and a sheer bother at others, because, unless she's studying with her bond, or doing something serious, Miranda rarely shuts up.

Abilities: Peace Powers: activated by concentrating, capable of calming panicking people down and make all but the strongest willed people cease fighting
Bond: O'hagui