Rohir: Shy Enchanter

"I am a guardian..."
Name: | Rohir |
Gender: | Male |
Rank and Class: | Member - Specialist |
Species: | Dragon Whorling |
Color: | Black |
Markings: | Shimmer Blue Scales and Paws, Blue Mane |
Size: | Small 4'5" at the shoulder, 12'6" from nose to tail-tip |
Personality: |
The first thing everyone notices about Rohir, beyond his colortion, is that he's unbelievably shy. Rarely speaking unless spoken to first, Rohir has a tendency to stutter when addressed by people he's not completely comfortable around, and even when speaking with those he trusts, his words are soft and on the edging of hearing. He's a responsible sort, however, and will speak up when he believes that people are overlooking something important. Outside of personal interaction, Rohir is a surprisingly curageous whorling, perfectly capable of jumping to the defense of others and using his abilities to their utmost, without being asked. Through clever use of his kinesis abilities and his Order-based or Water-based magic, Rohir has made himself into an indispensible part of the company. As he's always been a whorling, he thinks nothing of his form. He is curious what it would be like to be born as one creature then be changed permanently to another, but doesn't have the courage to directly ask Flikk, Vikktor, or any of the other former humans amongst their group. |
Description: |
In his dragon form, Rohir stands at only 4'5" tall at the shoulder, and is only 12'6" long from nose to tail-tip. His body, except for his underbelly and paws, is covered in thick black fur, while his scaled underbelly and hide-covered paws are colored a brilliant shimmery blue. His head is adorned with multiple horns and he has a jewel-covered crest, also colored a brilliant shimmery blue. A bright blue mane runs down his spine all the way to his tail-tip, where it turns into a large plume of fur that mostly covers the spikes that adorn the tip. Rohir has two sets of wings, the larger pair being webbed like normal dragon wings, while the second pair, which grows out of his hips, is feathered. In his anthro form, Rohir retains his black fur, shimmer blue belly scales, and unfurred, shimmery hands and feet. The jeweled crest becomes a fall of jewel-toned hair and most of his horns disappear, except for the single backward swooping set, which shortens to the point where only the tips are visible through his hair. His blue mane remains in a shorter form, but still runs down his spine all the way to his tail-tip, where the plume is as large as ever, but still can't complete cover the spikes at the tip. Finding little use for clothing, as he's completely covered in fur, Rohir instead wears a variety of charms and pendants that he's enchanted for protection, defense, and other combat boosts. Some of these pendants have been braided into his mane, and remain in place as he transfers between one form and another. He does, however, wear simple wrap-pants with multiple pockets, in which he stores bits of chain, string, stones, or whatever else he feels he may need to help his magic along. Rohir fights with throwing daggers when in physical combat, and has enchanted his daggers to return to him on command. Like the rest of the whorlings in the Company, Rohir has no need of boots. |
History: |
Rohir used to be an Enchanter, one who took normal items and imbued them with power, and rather enjoyed the work, especially since he had Seagahn to stand between him and the customers. His name was known all through the land, and people came from all over to buy the things he made, or request that he make something specific for them. One day, however, a lord decided that Rohir should only work for him, and sent a portion of his standing army to claim Rohir for him. Rohir and Seagahn resisted with all their will, using everything at their disposal, but they would have eventually been taken if not for Taisthen. Taisthen had grown disgusted with the lord and decided to defect, taking Rohir and Seaghan with him. Though Rohir was reluctant to trust Taisthen at first, he knew that the way out that the dragon was offering was the only real escape... if it wasn't a trap. It wasn't, and Taisthen paid the price for his defection with the loss of his voice when he stepped between Rohir and a blow meant for the smaller whorling, the blade slipping between his scales and cutting into his neck. Seagahn quickly dispatched the soldier, and the three of them escaped. During their flight, they ran into Zarilyna while she was in the process of getting supplies the Devyrs needed that Akelara didn't have. She was looking for some enchanted supplies, and was getting frustrated at the lack. Seagahn, seeing an opportunity, convinced Rohir that the risk of Zarilyna being somehow associated with the lord was worth the chance of getting completely away. Rohir, disliking the truth in Seagahn's words, none-the-less agreed. Seagahn made Zarilyna an offer: Take the three of them back with her, and Rohir would enchant anything she liked. Zarilyna was just as wary of the three of them as they were of her, but she eventually agreed, bringing them back to Akelara in lieu of the supplies she couldn't find. There they met Flikk and Vikktor, the leaders of the Devyrs, and worked out a deal: The three of them would get lodging, a stipend, and all the supplies Rohir needed for his work, for however long they decided to stay, so long as Rohir created the items that the Devyrs needed. No one quite knows when it happened, but eventually the three of them became full time members, going out on patrols and joining in battle with the Devyrs. And though Rohir had originally intended to leave as soon as convenient, he no longer thinks about it. |
Abilities: |
Partial Shifting: Anthro Form Order Magic Water Magic Aerokinesis Hydrokinesis Telekinesis |
Bond: | None |