Arisalis Imabrosia


"Oh, what have me here? Hello there!"

Name: Arisalis Imabrosia
Gender: Female
Color: White-Silver
Species: Supernal/Whorling Mutt
Size: Medium
13'5" at shoulder, 40'2" from nose to tailtip

Arisalis truly loves Akelara, where she has made her home. There's not much that anyone can say to her to disabuse her of the notion that Akelara isn't the greatest place in the Nexus. With this, however, comes her tendency to never leave - she's perfectly content to live and go through her life without going anywhere other than Akelara, a true homebody at heart.

She's very self-confident and assured, not allowing anyone to boss her around or undermine her. Of course, that implies that most can keep up with her - Arisalis is a lively dragoness, constantly moving from one thing to the next to make the Clan as much a home to others as it is to her. Her energy leaves many feeling tired after watching her for only a short period of time.

Abilities: Verbal Speech
Heal Others
Fire Immunity
Notes: Can bond another creature at adulthood, can breed with anything of a similar size.
Bond: None
Parents: Father: Blue Silver Dimasasehiel Imabrosia
Mother: White-Blue Wintering