
"Oh bugger off, stop bothering me."
Name: | Araz'zron Nahanget (ah-rahz-zron Na-han-get) |
Meaning: | Time of Unending Darkness |
Known As: | Shadow |
Gender: | Male |
Color: | Silver Pointed Black |
Race: | Lesser Kynnese |
Personality: |
Araz'zron is not a pleasant sort, given to making life difficult for others in any way possible, especially when he's not welcome. He's secretive, has a strange grudge against small furry animals, and takes a twisted amusement in 'sideswiping' other fliers in the air, much to everyone's disgruntlement. No one can call him a friend... except for one - a being unknown to anyone on Kynn and who, somehow, manages to deal with all of Araz'zron's quirks and mood swings. He tends not to think too far into the future with his acts, and occasionally ends up actually doing good in the long run, instead of evil, which angers him to no end. Quietly optimistic that everything will turn out right in the end - with him in the lead of course - nothing can get him down for long, and with the way his luck is, he often turns out to be right. Araz'zron always questions authority, and will do everything he can to undermine it... especially if it claims authority over him! He's smart enough not to outright defy beings stronger than he is, but as he excels in subtle maneuvers and actions... Oddly enough, Araz'zron has what most humans would call a green thumb - he can often be found around gardens, though he prefers to work with his own plants in his own territory. Any den he claims will soon be filled with various potted plants, all luxurious and well cared for, though how he does it is unknown. |
Notes And Info: |
Araz'zron is a Shadow-Touched individual, having been slightly influenced by the Shadow, but not Tainted, and therefore not outright, glaringly evil... just a little malicious. Any offspring he has will be normal (not Touched or Tainted) but have the possibility of carrying his deviant traits - half-feathering on the wings, extra toe digit on the front claws, curled horns, smaller and less fluffy ears, forked tail, the shortened mane, along with the powers that are unusual for a Lesser Kynnese (Verbal Speech and Heat Vision most notably). He, as a Lesser Kynnese, may choose an Inspired at any time he wishes and, while he does still have a preference for an Inspired with a humanoid form of some sort, he's lenient enough to choose any sort of being he wishes. |
Powers: |
Black Lightning Breath Weapon (Shadow & Lightning Element-Based) Telepathy (Color & Emotion-Based Only) Verbal Speech Heat Vision (in environs too dark for regular vision) |
History: |
This particular dragon is a bit of an enigma. He appeared out of the Black Sands near the end of the Days of Twilight, following several surviving dragon knights back to the Sanctuary of the Sun. Though he was not very well-liked at that location, and has decided to move on to find a....more accepting home. He has never given up his name - he has never Chosen, nor have any of the empaths at the Sanctuary been able to get it from him. |
Bond: | None |