Ahdrez: Ruby Jewel

"You! Come on! Lets go have some fun!"

Name: Ahdrez
Gender: Male
Color: Red Clouded Glitz
Markings: Ruby Jewels
Size: Medium
Species: Jewelcrest

Ahdrez is a passionate soul, given to swift and oft times violent moodswings. It's often a chore to keep track of which mood he's in at the time, and many have been startled by his sudden switches in conversation, focus, or desires. Some have even gone as far as to call him insane.

No matter what others say, Ahdrez is dedicated to living life to the fullest, and will never back down once he's been challenged by something, anything. The challenge could come from a person, an object, or... well, anything, really. Anything his attention latches onto is a challenge, especially if no one else has done it before.

Abilities: Fire Magic

Verbal Speech

Bond: None