::Name:: Endara
::Gender:: Female
Dragon Mutt, specifics unknown
::Rank:: N/A
::Age:: Adult
::Job:: //
::Size:: 9' tall, 27' long
::Eyes:: turquoise
slightly orangish brown fur, with black points and stripes along her back
Light, long
::Magic:: Floating
::Physical:: Verbal Speech
::Mental Disorders::
::General:: ((Written by Shiolar)) Endara really Boreal's
complete opposite, for she likes everyone, trusts everyone and gets involved
in absolutely every conversation. In fact, getting her to be quiet for even
the smallest amount of time is nigh impossible, and it's really best just to
not even try. She'll poke and prod Boreal into being less cool and reserved,
and she'll probably drive him insane, but oddly she still likes him enough to
be sponsored by him. She shares his wandering nature, though, if only because
she wants to see all the world and everything in it; she certainly doesn't get
too upset at having to stay in one place for any length of time, as long as
there's something there to keep her occupied. Fortunately, she's easily
distracted by shiny objects.
::Caretaker:: Boreal Shadow
Luera (Black-spotted Rainbow M Dragon Mutt, father) x
Shirria (Brown F
Dragon Mutt, mother)
::Bondeds:: Eriyeth, Green F Pernese Dragon;

::Gender:: Female
::Species:: Pernese Dragon
::Colour:: Green
::Size:: Small
::Eyes:: Standard Pernese
Abright, yellowish shade of green, that makes her almost look sickly
Light, Thin
::Physical:: Assisted Firebreath
::Mental:: Telepathy,
::General:: While Eriyeth can give the impression of being sickly,
she is anything but. In fact, she's got energy to spare. While not as bouncy or
easily distracted as her bondmate, she is nevertheless somewhat hyperactive,
with a fairly short attention span. She's very contact oriented, preferring to
show her affection with cuddles and affectionate nuzzles. She also loves playing
with people, particularly Endara, and dislikes mean people-- officially defined
as people who don't like her or don't play with her. She's also surprisingly
possessive-- she doesn't like people around Endara unless they acknowledge the
fact that the other dragon is, in fact, hers, and she doesn't like the idea of
Endara mating with anyone. Again surprisingly, she's fine with the idea of
Endara bonding again, or sponsoring-- then it's like a family, instead of a
threat. She just wants them to be friendly, and hopefully bond to her too, so
she's not lonely.
Starburst Weyr
::Hatching Post:: ((Written by Starburst))
The other four dragonets were certainly Boerth's sons and daughters. Two blues,
of contrasting light and dark shades, and two greens had hatched. The first of
the greens was a very nice-looking one, a little lighter in colour than Borineth
before her. But something appeared to be wrong with the other green...
"Is she sick?" Quaira gasped as she caught a glimpse of the sickly-coloured
dragonet, whose hide was tinged with an odd yellow hue.
"I don't think so," Xhira said. "She seems to be fine. Look."
Endara, the green bespoke to another dragon standing among the bonders.
I'm Eriyeth, and you're mine!
"Hi!" replied the furry wingless dragon. "Let's go eat, I'm sure you're
(Gold F Pernese, Mother) x
Boerth (Bronze
M Pernese, Father)