Sonnata-mai Chxalli

Sonnata-mai Chxalli

"Oh, oh, I know this! It's the, uhm, the uh... the thing. That you do other things with. ... Yeah! That thing!"

Name: Sonnata-mai Chxalli
Gender: Female
Color:Grey with Blue Nebula with Red, Blue, Purple Secondary Color
Species:Phoenix Dragon Mutt
8'4 shoulder / 26' long / 38' wingspan

Sonnata is small, fast, and loveable but dumb as a bag of bricks. She's very good at taking orders or doing simplistic tasks, but is actually very nimble with her humanoid hands and thus can be useful for delicate items or cases where her Vortal powers are needed. She does not seem in the slightest daunted by other people's vocabulary or insults, and unfortunately having a 'humanoid' head and brain arrangement doesn't help that much.


Verbal Speech (somewhat poor speaker, may get lost with big words)

Telepathy (comprehension limited to emotions and simple commands)

Teleportation (very strong dimension-shifting, somewhat short range local)

Self-healing (strong, quite durable and heals up to 4x faster than normal)

Shapeshifting (to dracomorph form only, extremely fast and complete, stands around 6'5 at crest)

Heat/Chill Self (extremely good heating, always able to withstand bitter cold; somewhat weak chilling)

Ice Breath (can freeze large volumes at short range, has pinpoint accuracy at longer range)

Bonds:Tajakith Malin
Sonnata-mai Chxalli

"Taja! Taja! Look at what I can do!"