Oshoo-mai Chxalli

Oshoo-mai Chxalli

Name: Oshoo-mai Chxalli
Gender: Female
Color: White with Orange, Yellow, Green, Purple Secondary Color
Species:Phoenix Dragon Mutt
9'8 shoulder / 42' long / 58' wingspan

Oshoo is very professional, not necessarily courteous but seems to understand the needs of a group at a glance of her chilly mind. She's far from 'cold and uncaring', she seems to believe that it's her goal in life to protect, transport, and scout where she can. Her plane shifting allows her to overcompensate for her lack of localized teleportation - she can move to another dimension and back and 'be across the street'.


Verbal Speech (average local/english speaking with a 'high school level' vocabulary);

Telepathy (strong, piercing mind with strong cold overtones, exceptional with groups);

Teleportation (superb, effortless plane-shift ability, absolutely dead-on locational knowledge and flawless movement between even very distant worlds, can carry everything in her wingspan-stretched diameter; almost entirely pathetic local teleportation, she'd much rather go through the Nexus than teleport across the street, very draining);

Full Self-Healing (very poor, resistant to disease and any effects of cold and heals about 1.5 times faster than normal);

Grant Invulnerability (very strong, as with her nexus shifting anything within her wing diameter can be protected for a considerable amount of time or level of damage);

Chill Self (very strong, can all but become a block of living ice, good for long waits or camouflage);

Ice Breath (similarly strong, can breathe on other creatures or items/objects about up to her own size to harmlessly freeze them in stasis, and then release them at will);

Shapeshifting (to the below form only, takes about 15 minutes to fully shift in either direction, no intermediate forms).


Mother: Sholoon Chxalli

Father: Fahrlanath Mai

Oshoo-mai Chxalli