~~Gen~~ ::Name:: Mosyth ::Gender:: Male ::Rank:: // ::Colour:: Purple/Pearl ::Species:: Multi-Hybrid (Dragon [AAM Beast x Denner x Danachian x Old World] / Sentient Spider / Unicorn) ::Age:: ::Job:: // ::Location:: Mindspace ~~Appearance~~ ::Size:: 19'10" at shoulder [Hatchling- 1'6" at shoulder] ::Eyes:: Silver ::Fur/Scales/Feathers/Skin:: Bright, fuschia-like purple, with pearly wing membranes and mane/tail tuft. ::Build:: Light, lanky ::Other:: ~~Skills~~ ::Magic:: ::Physical:: Poison bite, poison sting, Stamina ::Mental:: Telepathy, Teleportation ~~Personality~~ ::Mental Disorders:: ::General:: ((Written by Phoenix)) At first glance, Mosyth is a warm, friendly sort, always ready with an easy smile--usually with less fang showing than one might expect--and always there when you're down to help you back up. In fact, he's always there when you're down to help you back up. The problem is, he'll likely tell you exactly how stupid you were to get down to begin with: he's a very smug soul, and likes seeing others when they're down so as to make himself feel better about his own lack of stumbling. If it weren't for his brother-bond, he might well turn sadist later in life. Even with Isyx, he seems to like the pain of others far more than he ought to, which, combined with his easy-going smile, can make him a bit creepy. ~~History~~ ::Origins:: the Abstract Destiny ::Hatching Blurb:: ((Written by Phoenix)) :: Well hey there, Vago'!:: cheered a purple foal, managing a mental drawl as he approached the similarly-hued dragontaur. ::How all those lizards doin'? Profound-like?:: The spiderling cuddled happily between his shoulders made a noise like a sigh, though for no perceivable reason. His eyes were closed and he didn't even seem aware of Vago'Etere. With his many legs all tucked in around him, he looked perfectly happy right where he was. ::Current Situation:: Mosyth and Isyx do not live with Vago'Etere. They came to Mindspace with her and, while officially under her care, were more raised by the inhabitants of the BSW than Vago herself. When they were old enough, they started wandering, as BSW was a little too unchaotic for their, or rather, for Mosyth's tastes. They visit, occasionally, but rarely, and mostly because Mosyth thinks Vago is fun to mess with. ~~Connections~~ ::Mate:: ::Pedigree:: [Genetic Synth] Muse (Off-white M Unicorn) x Esix (Black M Sentient Spider) x Inasnath (Satin Pearl F Dragon Mutt) ::Offspring:: ::Bondeds:: Isyx, Purple/Pearl M Multi-hybrid [Mosyth's twin]; ::Pets:: ::Sponsering:: ![]() ::Name:: Isyx ::Gender:: Male ::Species:: Multi-Hybrid (Dragon [AAM Beast x Denner x Danachian x Old World] / Sentient Spider / Unicorn) ::Rank:: // ::Colour:: Purple/Pearl ~~Appearance~~ ::Size:: 5" long ::Eyes:: Silver ::Fur/Scales/Feathers/Skin:: Fuschia-like purple fur, with pearl wing membranes ::Build:: Small, light ::Other:: ~~Skills~~ ::Magic:: ::Physical:: Poison bite, Stamina ::Mental:: Teleportation, Telepathy ~~Personality~~ ::General:: ((Written by Phoenix)) Isyx has all of the innocent love and trust of his father Muse, and he puts that innocent love and trust almost entirely in Mosyth: the larger, more capable unicorn hybrid is his protector and his best friend. His love is a blind love, and it will take a lot to make him see any fault or blame in his big brother. He can also turn his compassionate nature on others, though he has a hard time figuring out ways he might be able to help those in need: he tends to think that a childlike pat on the head and a simple reassurance ought to make it all better. ~~History~~ ::Origins:: the Abstract Destiny ::Hatching Blurb:: See mosyth's section ~~Connections~~ ::Mate:: :Pedigree:: [Genetic Synth] Muse (Off-white M Unicorn) x Esix (Black M Sentient Spider) x Inasnath (Satin Pearl F Dragon Mutt) |
Storioes. None currently
Mosyth and Isyx's original art and design are (c) Phoenix @ nexus and the Abstract Destiny