~~Gen~~ ::Name:: Fril~uslan (Meaning, "Heart's Eclipse" ::Gender:: Male ::Rank:: // ::Colour:: Red ::Species:: Spirit (Balance / Destruction / Chaos / Trickster) ::Age:: Adult ::Job:: // ::Location:: Mindspace ~~Appearance~~ ::Size:: 10'2" at shoulder (Hatchling- 2'1") ::Eyes:: Black, seeming like an abyss, with little glows in the center. ::Fur/Scales/Feathers/Skin:: A brighter shade of brick-red, with black fuzz down his back and claws. ::Build:: ::Other:: ~~Skills~~ ::Magic:: Chaos Powers, Destruction powers, Realm traveling, reincarnating Immortality, Full shapeshifting ::Physical:: Verbal Speech ::Mental:: Telepathy, Teleportation ::Explanations:: ((Written by Phoenix)) Realm-Travelling: Above and beyond simple teleportation, realm-travelling grants the ability to cross into dimensions separated from the Nexus by more than mere space and time--such as Dark's homerealm of Lanse'shri. Reincarnating Immortality: The spirit cannot die, and if they are "killed" by another creature, they will immediately reappear, hale and healthy. They can only be truly killed by a stronger spirit or god. Shapeshifting: These spirits can shapeshift into absolutely anything. However, their eyes (provided the form has them) will always be the same. ::Note!:: He has a dietary requirement of death energy, and although he can eat normal food, he get no sustenance from it. He gets his nourishment from the death energies, which are the death energies given off when something living dies, animal OR plant. He usually gets these death energies from a mix of both of these: the things that just.. die and are attracted to Kaiser, and the deaths of the animals Sus-sia and the other dragons in the area hunt and kill for food. ~~Personality~~ ::Mental Disorders:: ::General:: ((Written by Phoenix)) Fril~uslan is a happy little minion! Though he certainly has the power and ability to be a creature of incredible influence (immortal as he is, he could pass for a god on some worlds) Fril~uslan gets his giggles out of purposefully being second banana to his brother-bond. Fril~uslan is a far more useful tool than Allu-erian would be if it was Fril~uslan who led, after all, and what fun is being a mastermind if you do all your own legwork? Allu-erian knows this is the way Fril~uslan thinks, too, so they get along in perfect understanding and contentment with their respective positions ~~History~~ ::Former Location:: Abstract Destiny ::Hatching Message:: ((Written by Phoenix)) A black dragontaur swooped in on a red spiritling, bonding his simpler psuedo-sibling before the spirit jumped up into his outstretched arms. "Come on, Fril~uslan!" grinned Allu-erian Tah. "I know who we should go with!" "Woo!" cheered the spirit. Allu-erian then carried his brother-bond over to the sponsor who wouldn't have been approved if it had been up to the Draconic Relations Ministry alone. Dr. Schroeder, however, had perceived that Kaiser would do no harm to any dragon she sponsored (even if she did reek of bleach and ammonia) and had allowed her on the lists. ~~Connections~~ ::Caretaker:: Kaiser ::Mate:: ::Pedigree:: Grelene (Spirit) x Dark Shadow (Spirit) ::Offspring:: ::Bondeds:: Allu-erian Tah, Black M Semispirit whorling ::Pets:: ::Sponsering::
![]() ♣No Cyborware Image ♣Hatchling Image♣ ::Name:: Allu-erian Tah (meaning Black Thunder/shadow) ::Gender:: Male ::Species:: Semi-spirit Whorling ::Rank:: // ::Colour:: Black ~~Appearance~~ ::Size:: 7'0" at head (Hatchling- 4'0" at head) ::Eyes:: Black w/ glowy blue ::Fur/Scales/Feathers/Skin:: Lightish black tone across scales, with gray fur on head and down back, and on lower legs. ::Build:: Long, Elegant, Lithe ::Other:: ~~Skills~~ ::Magic:: ::Physical:: Bio-armor, Verbal Speech ::Mental:: Telepathy, Teleportation ~~Personality~~ ::General:: ((Written by Phoenix)) Self-confident and enterprising, Allu-erian is a dragon who knows what he wants and is pretty sure he can figure out how to get it, too. He has a quick and thoughtful mind, able to pick a situation apart by its smallest details and then sit back and absorb the entire whole, as well. Looking at those eight legs of his, it's not hard to imagine him as a black spider at the middle of his web, carefully monitoring all the tremors and vibrations along the silk strands he made. He is not inherently cruel, however. He does not like hurting others, though he still puts his own well-being first and foremost in all things. ~~History~~ ::Origins:: Abstract Destiny ::Hatching Message:: ((Written by Phoenix)) A black dragontaur swooped in on a red spiritling, bonding his simpler psuedo-sibling before the spirit jumped up into his outstretched arms. "Come on, Fril~uslan!" grinned Allu-erian Tah. "I know who we should go with!" "Woo!" cheered the spirit. Allu-erian then carried his brother-bond over to the sponsor who wouldn't have been approved if it had been up to the Draconic Relations Ministry alone. Dr. Schroeder, however, had perceived that Kaiser would do no harm to any dragon she sponsored (even if she did reek of bleach and ammonia) and had allowed her on the lists. ~~Connections~~ ::Caretaker:: Kaiser ::Mate:: ::Pedigree:: * Synth* Dark Shadow (Spirit) x Erigo (Greenish M Feline Whorling) x Skuift (Brown/White M Random Whorling) |
Storioes. None currently
Allu-erian art and design (c) Phoenix/Xenoqueen @ nexus and
the Abstract
Fril~Uslan art (c) Myrror @ Nexus and the