



::Name:: Barica
::Gender:: Female
::Rank:: //
::Species:: Anthropomorphic African Crested Porcupine
::Age:: 29
::Job:: Strategist, leader
::Location:: Mindspace

::Height:: 5'6"
::Eyes:: Yellow
::Fur/Scales/Feathers/Skin:: Pinkish reddish tone, quills over her lower back and tail, striped cream and her normal fur colour, these are usually at rest.
::Hair:: Course cream mohawk of sorts, that goes down her back, getting thinner until it ends at a point before her quills.

::Magic:: Fire Magic, Necromancy
::Mental:: weak empathy

::Mental Disorders::
::General:: Barica is all business. She stands tall, walks strait, and looks out at the world from a cold, serious expression. She knows what she's here for, she knows what she intends to do, and she does it. People find her very intimidating, both for her quills, and for her general manner. But what do you expect, from a leading strategist, who makes a living assessing situations and finding out the best course to take in them?
She's incredibly observant, with an almost photographic memory. She files away all sorts of information in that brain of hers-- people's conversations,  little details that might be important later. Things like that. She'd make an excellent spy, but for the fact that, well.. she's kind of conspicuous. She does make use of her talents every now and again, however, when such things to spy on would be places she ordinarily goes.
She is very much a fan of solitude, and of nature, spending long hours in the park admiring the sky, or the grass, or what have you. As one would expect, she has and makes precious few friends, and those people she's close to, she's close to because she has a bond with them, on some level. It surprises people to learn that Barica values relationships and personal connections-- she just has few of them, because they can be dangerous and because most people find it incredibly hard to get close to her.
She does have a very subdued air about her in everything she does. She comes off apathetic, and while this isn't necessarily true, it might as well be. She's calm, almost unshakeable, and her face and voice usually give absolutely no indication of what she's thinking at any given time. Her affection is also somewhat cold,  though people who know it and can interpret it well wouldn't say this-- it's being able to just sit next to someone in silence and feel comfortable, and the occasional pat on the head and the smidgen of conversation.

::Former Location::
::If Relevant::

::Family:: Unknown
::Bondeds:: Dhimoath, Bronze M Pernese


::Name:: Dhimoath
::Gender:: Male
::Species:: Old-World Pernese
::Rank:: High
::Colour:: Bronze

::Size:: standard for an old-world bronze
::Eyes:: Standard pernese
::Fur/Scales/Feathers/Skin:: Light slightly-goldish bronze tone
::Build:: Strong

::Physical:: Assisted Fire Breath
::Mental:: Telepathy, Teleportation, Telekinesis

::General:: ((Written by Kitsuneko)) Sick to death of being on his own, Dhimaoth is actively looking for a bond. He won't take just anyone, though, they have to prove that they're worthy of this (slightly egocentric) bronze! Generally, he's a friendly, confident individual who gets along well with others.

::Origins:: Darkling Dawn

::Pedigree:: Micath  (Gold F Old-World, Mother) x Mazdath (Bronze M Old-World, Father)

1: Try Again

1: Try Again

The abandoned caverns of Darkling Dawn were well-kept, clean and maintained. Nonetheless, they seemed a fairly dismal place, with currents of depression and anger that Barica felt immediately upon entering the room.

Those feelings she pushed aside-- she knew who she was here to see.

And there, in the back, he was. The sole bronze in the room, and one of the few dragons who wore an expression of hope. He'd been waiting a long time, she heard, for someone to bond again. But no one had come. His expression was defiant of this fact, almost-- he would wait. He would wait until the end of the world and then he would wait some more, for someone to come and link minds to him.

Well, hopefully, he would have to wait no longer.

With the barest hint of a smile, she made her way over to him, walking strait and proud. This would not be easy. They'd been hesitant to let her try this, but in Mindspace a beastie had whispered this in her ear, that she should try. And try she would, because beasties did not usually whisper in people's ear without good reason. She would do this.

"Dhimoath?" she asked, once she'd reached the large dragon. "How are you?"

The bronze had scarcely noticed her approach, and now looked down at her with mild curiosity, and a warm draconic smile on his face. Can I help you? he asked.

"Yes, actually." Barica replied, staring at him through serious gold eyes. "I've come to bond with you. I heard you were looking."

Ah. said the bronze delicately. Well, I thank you for your good will, but I'm afraid I need someone more... the dragon paused, looking for a way to word it that would not crush the female before him too badly, someone stronger, more courageous, and male.

Sexism was uncommon in Mindspace to extremes, where the only difference between the sexes as a whole was one very slight physical one, but to Barica, it was nothing new. She often traveled off world, after all, to places where things like gender and other such concepts were much more concrete. This reaction did not phase her.

"You will find, I'm sure, that I am many times more courageous, Stronger, and more intelligent than any male who will ever approach you."

Despite himself, Dhimoath found himself intrigued by this female humanoid who stood before him, saying such things. He made an amused noise in the back of his throat, shifted his weight, and nodded. Well, he'd humor her. Can you prove these assertions?

"Yes." Barica replied, still calmly. "In my native land of Mindspace, I am a prominent strategist and advisor to the ruler of Corint, a Cretus city state. I act often as an ambassador of Mindspace, and am often trusted with fragile diplomatic situations."

These are all things that could've been given to you out of pity. The dragon told her, shifting his weight again, not necessarily because you have any talent in these areas.

"No. I do. Quite a bit of it.." she said, calmly. "Why differentiate between genders? I'm worth as much as a male of the same accomplishments as I. And I am willing to bond to you and know your worth. How many people have you seen here, and how many people were unworthy? I am worthy above them all. And if you do not believe me, link minds with me, and see if my assertions are false. I am not here to bond do you out of rank, Dhimoath Rex*."

For a long time, the dragon was silent. Then he figured, why not, and tried it-- but only for a second. But it inevitably lasted longer than a second- He liked the feeling, and she'd been right.

*Rex = latin for Great or King. Attached to someone's name as a sign of fondness or respect in Mindspace.

Dhimoath original art/design (c) Kitsuneko @ Nexus and Darkling Dawn