~~Gen~~ ::Name:: Aust ::Gender:: Female ::Rank:: infamous Citizen of mindspace ::Species:: Anthropomorphic canine-- pitbull. ::Age:: unknown. Somewhere in her late 20's or early 30's. ::Job:: Freelance assassin and artist. ::Location:: Slums of Noctournicus ~~Appearance~~ ::Height:: 5'5.9" ::Eyes:: Flat Gray ::Fur/Scales/Feathers/Skin:: Short, Coarse fur, of a slightly yellowish lime green shade, gets increasingly yellow near her underbelly. Broken up by lime green brindle stripes across her body. ::Hair:: clipped short, no more than an inch at longest. ::Other:: Strong build, muscled but not bulky. Affect-less and expressionless. ~~Skills~~ ::Magic:: Definitely present, but unknown. ::Physical:: Master of most weapons, excellent shot and good at physical combat. Also a good artist. ::Mental:: // ~~Personality~~ ::Mental Disorders:: Extremely Severe Autism (but NOT retarded.) ::General:: There's really two parts to aust. Autism-influenced aust, and aust's underlying personality. Aust herself is a passionate, if extremely frustrated, soul. She has absolutely no inclination to form social relationships, as per her autism, and it has left her with the inability to speak. This is a major source of frustration for her-- she thinks in words, thinks clear, concise sentences. She merely can't speak them. "the words won't come out." She can write them down, but chooses not to do so, because she doesn't give a damn if anyone reads them. The only thing she's really truly big on is art. Lots of art. She loves art. It's something she's incredibly good at, the only way she really has to express herself. And she likes that. Besides her art-passion and the frustration that colours most of her existence and her life, she's actually a very lax, easygoing person, in the calm sort of way. Largely apathetic to most things, she's oddly fond of animals, quite gentle with them. She's surprisingly gentle to anything, but in a touching way. And then there's aust as characterized by her disease. Seeing her this way is unavoidable, as Autism is something that obviously influences her quite a lot. It's also the part that everyone sees. She speaks very little, if at all, and when she does it's either idiosyncratic recitations of something someone's just said, or in short words. For example, if she needed to go out to the store, she'd say, "store." and leave. More than likely, she wouldn't even say store, she'd just leave. She has no desire to share her thoughts or anything with anyone who isn't an animal or a bonded. She doesn't like people, she doesn't like society, she doesn't really like much of anything. She's very meticulous, things with her have to be JUUUST right. It's almost obsessive compulsive, how she gets about some things. Her sense of hearing is strong, too, as well as other senses, which occasionally leads to her getting overwhelmed. Her eyes water if she tastes something too strong or smells something too strong, even if it would be fairly normal to us. Noisy things like parades she can't stand, or crowds, so she tends to stay as far away from such things as possible. She seems like she's deaf sometimes, because she doesn't respond when you call. Her lifestyle means she's always alert, and she always has atleast one knife on her at a time. She holds herself at an odd angle, and sometimes shakes her hands, as if to stimulate some sense that isn't working correctly at that moment. The only expression she ever shows is anger, she doesn't meet your eyes when she talks to you, nor does she communicate through body language or the like. To talk to her, you more than likely have to be telepathic. It's said that most autistic people grow up to be violent goodfornothings. This isn't true-- with speech therapy and such, you can get an autistic person to lead an almost-normal life. Aust never got any of that. She's a creature forged by circumstance, angry from the frustration of having to live in a society you don't want to live in. Frustration gave way to anger, which she harnesses rather violently. She kills for a living. She hates it. She hates most of the things she is, but killing disgusts her. She'd rather be a freelance artist, but being an assassin pays better. So she does it out of necessity. She's quite moralistic, actually, and she believes in karma. For this reason, her job makes her paranoid, and increases what would be an already-protective personality. If she does give a damn about you, for all that she's unable to show it, she'll protect you with everything she bloody has and is. Hell hath no fury like a provoked Aust. For this reason, she keeps her connections a secret as much as possible and trains her fellows in self protection. Her friends tend to be the sort of people who you can sit in silence comfortably, and they're of a special sort-- people who genuinely understand her. There's maybe two or three people, discluding her mate, who are as such. She doesn't worry about them, they can take care of themselves. Her flitters, too, she doesn't worry about, because they are as capable of flitting away as anything. She worries, perhaps needlessly, about her mate, and would about a bonded. She therefore would or does endeavor to spend as much time around them as possible, to protect them. She has no qualms about paying for her transgressions, but strongly believes that she should be the one to do so, not anyone else. That, and if her enemies found out about these connections, they might try to get her through them, and her loved ones don't deserve that. So she keeps them very carefully kept secrets, while doing everything in her power to protect them. For all her eccentricities and madness, she is a thinking, feeling being with genuine emotions. That's a fact easily forgotten, but best remembered. ~~History~~ ::Former Location:: // ::If Relevant:: It is possible for autistic people to live perfectly normal lives to a degree, depending on the severity of their autism, if they go through intense therapy. Otherwise, the stereotype that they become violent goodfornothings perpetuates itself. Aust was not born into a family that could afford any of this, and therefore didn't get that therapy. Her parents didn't know what autism was, and finally cast their daughter onto the streets at the age of ten, fed up with her seemingly random fits and her inability to communicate. She didn't care, she hadn't really had a chance to learn to trust them. So she left and lived on her own for awhile. She lived the life of a normal streetrat. Stealing for food, stealing in general, etc. Food was scarce, so her usual status was 'half-starved'. She wasn't whore material, and had no interest in being one anyways, and surprisingly was not attracted to drugs in any way. They costed too much. So she kept to herself, and lived this fairly dismal existence, wherein she got increasingly frustrated and angry with her status in life. In fights, she could hold her own, and it was in street fights that commonpeople bet on that she made most of her money. One of these spectators, when she was 15, saw something in her that many wouldn't like. He offered her training, and a job, which was, of course, an offer she took. She was trained to be an assassin, in all ways of fighting, and was sent on her way at the age of 17, with the job he'd trained her for. To take out a leading official in the city, and, unknown to her, his political opposition. She did it without question, and very little qualm-- the money was good. It was, in fact, enough to buy her a room to rent in a local bar and buy the paints she'd previously stole. Word got around. More people came to her with jobs and, when the flow did not eventually cease, she eventually accepted it as what it was. A way to get money. A way to survive. Her life to that point had been very darwinistic-- only the fittest survive. And so it continued. She was careful to plant evidence and do everything with precision an obsessive-compulsive would be proud of. She had no qualms. The qualms only set in when she met people she liked. Teigan won her over first, and then a few of tiegan's friends. The thought that these people might hurt because of her was disgusting, but she knew they could hold their own. And then she met her mate, cuddy. It was dangerous, but she couldn't resist getting into a relationship with the other woman, who obviously understood her to a point and didn't mind her eccentricities. But that gave her something to fear, and she therefore has set herself to protecting these people she loves, more than just surviving, as it had always been before. She is a creature bourne of her circumstances, shaped by the chaos around her. ~~Connections~~ ::Mate:: Cuddy ((c)Tio) ::Family:: // ::Bondeds:: // ::Pets:: Firelizads x3. will be named officially at a later date. ![]() ::Name:: Adenro ::Gender:: Male ::Species:: Dragon Mutt ::Rank:: // ::Colour:: Brown ~~Appearance~~ ::Size:: 11' at shoulder and 64' long ::Eyes:: Yellow ::Fur/Scales/Feathers/Skin:: Fur of a pleasant shade of brown, varying tones all over body. ::Build:: Adverage ::Other:: 8 legs, 2 wings, 3 tails ~~Skills~~ ::Magic:: Speed, Invisibility, Floating ::Physical:: Verbal Speech ::Mental:: Telepathy ~~Personality~~ ::General::Adenro is an interesting one, just like his bond. He's quiet by nature, so that while he can speak both aloud and via Telepathy, he often chooses not to; he and his bond Aust seem to operate entirely without speaking more than a few words to each other. It's enough for them, and Adenro won't tolerate anyone criticising that; the one exception to his silence is if he needs to speak on behalf of his bond, especially in her defence. He is highly moralistic in nature, and he likes Aust's occupation even less than she does. In the perfect world, she could spend all her time practicing her art, and that's exactly what Adenro intends in the long run. He hates killing, or even hurting others, but his loyalty to his bond his complete and total; if he has to become an assassin himself in order to let Aust be happy, then he will. Suffice to say, Adenro is extremely protective of his bond, and would do absolutely anything for her. ~~History~~ ::Origins:: Mirus Fluffy Generational Project- Generation 01D ~~Connections~~ ::Mate:: ::Pedigree:: |
1: Place description 1: Place Description Looks like a nasty place. You walk the gravel path and enter the doorway, and are almost pushed back by both the cacophony of noise and the sudden rush of smoke. The smoke hanging over this place in a mingled-brown haze is so thick, it's almost solid. If you've got a nose for these sorts of things, you'd be able to pick up, under the heavy smell of weed and cigarettes, faint traces of cloves and opium. Something tells you that here, in this building, there is no law, and anything goes. It makes you uneasy, and rightly so. After asking the bartender where you may find 'Aust' (it takes some shouting, but he finally hears you and answers), you make your way to the stairs at the end of the room. They're well hidden, in a corner between a wall and a hearth, the shadows concealing it well that it might as well not be there. The steps are worn and welltraveled, and you go up three flights of them, gratefully noticing that the air clears with every level. And then, finally, you've reached the third level, where you may find her. The hall here is shorter than that of the other floors, and you travel all the way down it, towards a door at the end. You hesitate upon reaching it. Is this wise? Do you really want to visit someone who lives in an establishment like this, much less someone of aust's reputation? But you've come this far, and it's too late to turn back. So, when your knocks receive no answer, you twist open the door and head inside. The air here is cooler, clearer than the air downstairs. There are fans going in the corners, and the three windows on the far wall are open, letting in the night air. While smoke lingers around the room, it's considerably clearer than anywhere else, and the change is welcome and refreshing. The room itself is dark, lit from the light filtering in through the window and the hall. There's enough to see detail by, but not colour, casting a grayscale tone around the room. It's fairly simple. Paintings hang on the walls, and every space not dominated by them is covered by very precisely cut clippings from newspapers, magazines, and anything else it looks like Aust found interesting. The paintings themselves are all crooked, but precisely so-- each one is at exactly a 45 degree angle. They're all abstract, some so much so that they're only patches of what normally would be random bright colours, but is now stark shades of gray, and some almost realistic, but for a few elements that are plainly not of this world. There is an easel in the corner, upon which lays a canvas, half-covered in paint. The image is of a woman on a bed, with firelizards around her, fairly realistic. The abstraction will come later, aust never paints anything without it. Beside the easal is a side-table, which boasts an impressive selection of paint and brushes and various other artist materials. There's a bed in the far corner, and a case at the end of it. The case is made of glass and, in the faint light, you can make out what appears to be weapons inside it. Above the bed rests a shotgun, mounted on the wall. The mountings, however, look as if they're quite frequently repaired, suggesting that it's often ripped from it's hangings with urgency. That doesn't bode well. You start, noticing something you hadn't before. There's a figure on the bed, one that isn't moving. You think, for a moment, that it's dead-- but no, the chest is rising and falling, and the eyes are open, and right side about. While you watch, the figure-- that of aust, seeing as it's that of an anthro pitbull with brindle stripes-- turns her head to stare at you. It takes you a minute to realize that she's actually looking at you, because her blank expression is focused not upon your form, but just past you. It's a little eerie. For awhile, no one moves, no one talks. Then, finally, she pushes herself into sitting position, face still as blank as always. She sits slightly slumped, and totally affect less- it's actually quite unnerving, to see someone without emotion. And finally, she talks to you, her voice as toneless as the rest of her, hoarse and grating from disuse. Just one word, which is quite surprising-- rumor said that aust did not, and could not, talk. "Speak." she says, and you get the feeling that she means something along the lines of 'state your business. With a gulp, you consider turning and running out the door, but decide against it, finally doing as she's told. 2: bonding ((Written by shiolar@nexus)) For all the variety of sentient life on Mirus, Kathamus was not all that accustomed to anthro animals, and so he'd been rather taken aback to have nine of them arrive from some distant world he'd never heard of. And they all wanted dragons, which was enough to make him ignore their species and lead them through the winding corridors and puddles of fractured time to the Nests. He wanted to get as many of these multi-appendaged monsters out of his Fortress as quickly as possible, and so getting people from a really long way away to bond them was just ideal in his perspective. "You three, in here. The rest of you wait outside," Kathamus told the group, separating them out in an almost entirely random manner. The autistic Aust, photojournalist Pierre and humble opera singer Natti were chosen by Kathamus simply pointing at them and sending them into the Nest that contained, in this particular moment of time, Shirria and Luera's offspring. There were actually several clutches and litters in there, but all at different points in the Fortress' past and future, and this was exactly why Kathamus was on 'matching dragons to various people from other worlds' duty, simply because he was, currently, the only one who could successfully navigate all these little time fractures. It didn't mean he was going to put a whole lot of thought into it, because while he was a generally outgoing, friendly individual, he was also pretty bored of this. He'd rather be out there with his own bond Khasrynth, fighting the Elnaesii. But instead he was stuck in the Fortress acting as tour guide. Not that he was bitter. Not him. Not Kathamus. As soon as all this time fracture mess was cleared up, he could give this job back to Rheyanva, who actually enjoyed this kind of thing. If he'd put a bit of thought into just who he was sending in to see the excitable, chaotic and disaster prone kits of Shirria, he probably wouldn't have sent Aust, Pierre and Natti in there. None of them were particularly well equipped to encounter those kits; Kathamus himself could only barely avoid being trampled, and he was quick on his feet and ready for the stampede of excitable dragon kits who often built up too much momentum to be able to halt their charges easily. Somehow, the three weren't bowled over, but merely surrounded. Actually, they were mostly surrounded by one incredibly long kit with black fur mottled with dark blue-grey; he had ten legs, six wings and three tails, very much like his father, and while he wasn't going to be the tallest dragon in the universe when he reached adult size, he was certainly going to be amongst the longest! He weaved around the three anthros, soon separating them from each other, and then completely surrounding the one he'd attached himself to. "Truth, justice, freedom!" he declared in a distinctly excited manner, tilting his head to look up at Pierre. Apparently the anthro antelope had a new recruit to help him achieve justice in his home, although Namesten would probably be encouraging Pierre to take more risks rather than less. During this bonding between Pierre and Namesten, Aust and Natti took the opportunity to get away from the other boisterous kits and make themselves known to the few who had actually taken after their mother. It was easy enough for Natti to find one he got along with, for there were several meek, quiet kits who disliked attention as much as he did. The trouble was, they disliked attention enough that it was rather hard for a bond to actually form, since it required anthro wolf and dragon kit to actually pay attention to each other, to great mutual discomfort. Natti and Senesta, an attractive blue and rainbow kit of relatively normal physical configuration, ended up more gravitating toward each other than actually seeking to bond each other. It was fine as long as Natti didn't actually look at his new bond. A lot of the kits instinctively avoided Aust, who's autism made her seem strange, and rather frightening, to the young dragons. They weren't accustomed to people who showed so little emotion or spoke so little; most of the kits were so outgoing that it was silent in the Nest only on the rare occasions when they all happened to be sleeping. Or if Adenro was the only one awake. He was the only one who did not seem to fear Aust, although he didn't actually speak to her. He was just as silent as she was, despite being one of the few kits that had two means of communicating. The brown hued kit simply sidled up to Aust and laid his claim without a single word spoken. He'd look after her, he decided. It was the right thing to do. |