



::Name:: Beyedr
::Gender:: Female
::Rank:: Resident of Mindspace
::Species:: Human
::Age:: 22
::Job:: Dragonrider, and making sure the dragons have food/making those arrangements
::Location:: Black Sheep Weyr, Pernmirror, mindspace

::Height:: 5'4"
::Eyes:: Hazel gold
::Fur/Scales/Feathers/Skin:: rich, dark brown
::Hair:: really bright red, loosely curled and down to the base of her neck, though often worn back in a ponytail.
::Other:: Lithely muscular, but nonetheless one of the most attractive people around, in a very butch-lesbian kind of way.


::Mental Disorders::
::General:: Polite at all times and naturally intelligent, she's fairly good at reading and writing due to the fact that her father went out of his way to educate her in this subject. She's also fairly precise, due to his teachings, and can take excellent records. She's got excellent focus, and is absolutely charming, in a weird politely-but-still-laid-back-and-easy-going kind of way. She'll share if she's asked, but prefers to keep things to herself. She adores animals, particularly her pet canine, and also enjoys light places. She has a particular affinity for herbalism, and is a fairly quiet, gentle person.

::Former Location:: Kshau protectorate
::If Relevant:: Born to parents who barely knew each other-- the rider of a rare female and her recordkeeper companion- she was born in the middle, in comparison to her 4 half-siblings. They were all raised by her father, who was adamant that they learn to read and be educated, which they did. Her search was a surprise and caused a fuss-- her mother was, for some reason, against her being a dragonrider-- but she came to stand in any case and impressed white neffath. Her and her mother don't get along, and she fears retaliation from the rare-female rider in quite a few respects, which was why, when the shaman of mindspace came looking for compatible people for mindspace and told her she was eligible to transfer, she leapt at the chance and moved to the odd collection of worlds.

::Mate:: Adelyte ((C)Tio)
::Family:: Unmarried parents and 5 half-siblings.
::Bondeds:: Neffath, White M pernese dragon;
::Pets:: Racket, Burnese mountain dog M canine;


::Name:: Neffath
::Gender:: Male
::Species:: Pernese Dragon
::Rank:: Rare Male
::Colour:: White

::Size:: small
::Eyes:: normal pernese
::Fur/Scales/Feathers/Skin:: a clear white, very subtly gray in palces.
::Build:: Light, almost fragile

::Mental:: Teleportation, Telekinesis, Telekinesis

::General:: Now here's a priss of a dragon if there ever was one-- fussy and finicky, he needs to have things a certain way, or he'll pitch a fit. This means that his runnerbeasts have to be a certain tenderness, as he will only eat the absolute finest, and any stone couch he sleeps on absolutely must be adorned with a fine rug- or else! Beyedr is happy to oblige him, finding this endearing, but many others find it considerably less so. He doesn't like going to pern to help them fight their menace of thread, nor does he like doing anything involving hard work and especially gore-- gore frightens him and makes him cringe, causing the white to avoid it at all costs. Oh, and it stains his absolutely beautiful hide.
for all his occasionally infuriating eccentricities, though, neffath is loyal and makes up for his lack of sense and size with incredible agility, and a surprising ammount of stamina to go with it. Many of the larger dragons scoff at him, and he has thusly decided to show them all-- even if it means getting dirty and facing gore and whatnot--which occasionally causes him to work himself to the point where he's almost collapsing-- a useful trait, but potentially harmful to beyedr and himself. Beyedr, however, has sense, and thusly can calm him down if he becomes a danger to himself.
::Origins:: Kshau protectorate
::If Relevant::

Storioes. None currently
Dragon Art (c) Shard@Nexus and Dropping the